Bulletins From 2019

29.03.19 08:59 PM By Central Grace Church

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

January 6th - 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……………….…... The Houses of Israel – Exodus 12:3-30

10:00 am ………………….…………………..…………..…………… The King & Saviour; David, part 6 – 1 Samuel 30

Wednesday: 7:00 pm

Birthdays: January 11th – Darrell Powell & Lauren Parks, 31st – Robin Pendry

Cleaning: Andersons, Next Week: Hudsons / / / Nursery: Teresa/Debra

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM

Cause Thy Face To Shine Upon Us-- “God be merciful to us, and bless us; and cause Thy face to shine upon us”-- Psalms 67:1

It is the ONLY THING that they preached!

<i>They addressed all men (even themselves) as guilty, condemned, and perishing justly unless God is pleased to come in mercy and lift the beggar from his dunghill, sanctify and justify him through Christ Jesus, and accept him in the Beloved.</i> -- <b>Henry Mahan</b>

The following 2 articles from the Bethel Baptist Bulletin, John Chapman; deserve careful consideration.

One Sin the Soul's Ruin

There was but one crack in the lantern, and the wind has found it out and blown out the candle. How great a mischief one unguarded point of character may cause us!-- C. H. Spurgeon.

The Deadly Character of Secret Sin

Canon Wilberforce said that one day, while walking in the Isle of Skye, he saw a magnificent specimen of the golden eagle, soaring upward. He halted, and watched its flight. Soon he observed by its movements that something was wrong. Presently it began to fall, and soon lay dead at his feet. Eager to know the reason of its death, he hastily examined it, and found no trace of gunshot wound; but he found that it held in its talons a small weasel, which, in its flight, was drawn near its body, and had sucked the life blood from the eagle's breast. The same end befalls him who clings to some secret sin; sooner or later it will sap his life blood, and he falls.-- C. W. Bibb.

Let Us Give Ourselves To Prayer-- “I give myself unto prayer” – Psalm 109:4

David gave himself to prayer. The apostles, those extraordinary officers of the primitive church, gave themselves to prayer, and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:7). There are times* in which Christians should give themselves to fasting and prayer (1Cor.7:5). If you belong to God, He will make you pray: and teach you with briers and thorns (trials), if you will not yield to more gentle methods. How sad is the reflection that riseth in the heart, under some heavy trial, “This is brought on me for my indulged distance and estrangement from God!” -- Robert Trail, Scotland – 1642-1716

* Scripture bids us pray always, in all things, without ceasing. Why? Because without Him we can do nothing.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

January 13th . 2019

11:00 am ……………………….…………………………………………....… A Rescued Remnant Rejoicing -- Zephaniah

Birthdays: January 31st – Robin Pendry February 1st – Jill Ogle & Kelly Pendry

Cleaning: Hudsons, Next Week: Debra & Jennifer

Follow Peace & Holiness – Hebrews 12:14, from Henry Mahan’s Commentaries

Follow peace with all men.’ -- To follow peace and harmony with others is not only to desire it, but to exert the utmost in a man's power to attain it with everyone.

1. In the church. ‘How blessed it is when brethren dwell together in unity.’ Read Eph. 4:1-3; Col. 3:12-16.

2. In the home, between husband and wife, parents and children (Col. 3:18-21).

3. In our natural relationships with friends, neighbors, and co-workers, yea, even with our enemies as much as is possible (Rom. 12:17-20).

Our God is the God of peace, our Saviour is the Prince of Peace, the fruit of the Spirit is peace, and we are called to peace and to believe the gospel of peace. Shall we be characterized as quarrelsome, trouble-makers, and contentious? God forbid!

Follow holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.’ -- There has to be a two-fold meaning here:

1. The holiness or righteousness of Christ, which is to be followed after by believing on him and receiving in him perfect sanctification and acceptance before God. ‘Ye are complete in him.’ (1 Cor. 1:30; Rom. 10:4; 2 Cor. 5:21.)

2. The holiness or godliness of an obedient walk. -- ‘If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.’ If he is not a new person with a new attitude, a new character, and a new conduct, he is not in Christ and shall not enter heaven.

We are justified by faith, and our faith is justified by our works(James 2:17-21; Gal. 5:22-26).

Our Trouble Filled Days Man that is born of woman is of few days, and full of trouble” – Job 14:1

We received recently some news of yet another brother and sister going through great troubles. God warns us and promises of them. This is a world full of sin, in trouble with God, full of troubles, and we are in it. Though not in trouble with God, His people are not immune from trouble. Contrary to what false prophets say, God’s people are sent various troubles by their Heavenly Father which are for their good and His glory. The Lord sends these trouble upon His people for their good; to make them look to Him, think on Him, think on eternity (our long home), testify of Him, wean us from this dying world, and to help our brethren who are going through the same troubles. We glorify God more while going through troubles (if we witness a good testimony) than when in times of peace and prosperity. Brother Scott Richardson use to say; ‘a child of God has three kinds of trouble; troubles he is in, troubles he is coming out of, and troubles he is going into.

Do not think that you have worse troubles or more troubles than your brethren, for the Lord sends the same kinds of troubles to His people but to a different degree, according to His wisdom and their need. When this new life is begun in a child of God, his troubles with God are over (accomplished by Christ), but his troubles in this world are just begun.

All saints endure all kinds of troubles; troubles with sin, sorrow, heartache, pain, sicknesses, loneliness, abandonment, darkness, depression, despair, worry, doubts, fears, anxiety; spiritual troubles, heart troubles, soul troubles, physical troubles . . . troubles at home, in the world, and even in the church. But God says, “the same afflictions are ACCOMPLISHED in your brethren thoughout the world.” The Lord sends them to accomplish something. They accomplish the complete transformation of a son of Adam into a son of God. It is the transformation of a man that is earthy, sensual, and bound to this world, into a child of God, made meet (fit) for Glory . . . by the turning away our eyes from things seen to things unseen; by setting our affection on things above; by giving us a new heart, that hates the cause of these troubles… SIN! . . . a heart that desires nothing of this world’s perishing things but rather desirous of ‘one thing’; that we may dwell in the house of the Lord forever, beholding the beauty of the Lord and enquiring into His temple.

It is impossible to prepare for great troubles, though we are told to expect them. We don’t want them, don’t like to think about them, but they will come. But know this; with the trouble, no matter what it is, comes the grace to endure it. Our God has promised not to send more than we are able to bear and with that trouble a way to escape or endure it. The Way? Christ Himself. By looking to Him, calling on Him, trusting Him, and walking with Him. Like the three Hebrews in the furnace, He walked with them, and walks with us, through the furnace of affliction and trouble. The furnace of fiery trials is good for us. It removes the dross, the refuse, the dung we get on us from being on the dungheap. So while no trouble or affliction is enjoyable, yet the Lord tells to us to expect them. And when they come, call on Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee. And some day, one day soon, He will come and deliver us out of all these troubles.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

January 27th - 2019

9:30 am & 10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………………….… Messages by Walter Pendleton

Birthdays: January 31st – Robin Pendry, February 1st – Jill Ogle & Kelly Pendry

We thank brother Walter Pendleton for coming to preach for us on short notice. Mindy and I had to go out of town and God willing, will be back Sunday night.

The End or Purpose of Affliction in the Believer’s Life– by John Calvin, France (1509-1564)

Be Done With Self-Righteous Criticism

Let us be done with self-righteous criticism of our brethren, for that is what it is. When we say, “If I were him or her, I would do this or not do that” . . . or, “I can’t believe she/he said or did this or that.” It is self-righteousness, thinking that we would have said or done better.Fact is, if we were her or him we would do exactly as they did, if not worse. We cannot say what we would have done in any given situation if we did not go through it. We don’t know what someone may be going through to cause them to speak or act the way they do. We should consider that, even when dealing with people out in the world; people that are mean, rude, or unfriendly. My wife and I like to get take-out food from a local restaurant, and the woman who serves us is nearly always unfriendly, almost rude. I have thought to myself, ‘I’ll never go back there again.’ Then we both have to remind each other that the poor lady may live a terribly sad, perhaps lonely life . . . maybe suffering terrible abuse at home. The old saying is, don’t criticize a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. But scripture says don’t criticize a brother at all,Who art thou that judgest another? . . . There is One Judge, and it’s not us! Scriptures says: Speak not evil one of another brethren.” What is the opposite of evil? … It is GOOD. Then if we can’t say something good about our brother, don’t say anything at all, for it is evil. Love covereth . . . while hate. . .gossipeth, spreadeth, whispereth, exposeth and killeth.

Another old saying is: “hindsight is 20/20.” In other words, we can see things clearly after the fact. Our poor brethren, the disciples, heard, saw and experienced so much and yet were doubtful, afraid, and often acted like they hadn’t heard a thing the Lord had said. But we should not be critical of them, for they did not know what we now know. The disciples were twelve different men, yet all were afraid and unbelieving at times, especially going through life-threatening storms. This teaches us plainly that no matter who we are, we are men and women at best.

Brethren, we are all men and women of like passions. We are all but ‘dust and ashes’, sinful, finite, fallible … ‘little children.’ Aren’t you glad the Lord knows our frame and treats us accordingly; with such patience, understanding, longsuffering and mercy? Shouldn’t we do the same? Fact is, if we truly love our brethren, WE WILL. But, ‘he that loveth not (as the Lord loves), knoweth not God. He or she that continues to hold a grudge against his brother cannot possibly know anything of the Lord’s mercy; how He ought to hold a terrible grudge against us, but doesn’t. He or she who will not forgive his or her brother cannot possibly know anything of the daily, hourly forgiveness the Lord shows to us. He or she who will not make peace, but would rather separate from a brother or sister, cannot possibly be a child of God, who is a peacemaker, who wants peace, desires peace, strives for peace, and tries to live in peace, even with wicked unbelievers. No, that person does not know God, no matter what he or she says. Their attitude reveals an unregenerate heart.

O’ there are times we don’t love like we should, . . . far too many, but when we do, the Lord will humble us and correct us, by showing us how sinful and foolish we are; by showing us how much He forgives and forgets about us, and what all He puts up with in us. Hopefully, surely, when we are converted from our self-righteous criticism and condemnation of our brother or sister, we will then try to strengthen them; even confessing our faults to them, asking them for forgiveness. He said, if we don’t forgive, we won’t be forgiven.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

February 3rd. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………………...……A Gospel to Die For – Philippians 1:12-20

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………Two Sons Born to Greatness – Luke 1:15&32

Birthdays: February 20th – Lanie Bobbitt, 22nd – Irene Davis, 28th – Tammy Fannin

Cleaning: Steven & Mary / / / Nursery: Hope/Karen

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Note: The following article has been in our bulletin and others several times over the years. It bears reading and re-reading, so much more in these very last of the last days. O’ how this fits our day! John Newton, the author, was a preacher and pastor from England, born in 1725, died in 1807. He is only known by this generation as the hymn writer of "Amazing Grace."

When God is Displeased with a People

When God is exceedingly displeased with a people, it is not necessary, in order to their punishment, that He should bury them alive by an earthquake, or destroy them by lightening. If He only leaves them tothemselves, withdraws His blessings from their counsels, and His restraint from their passions, their ruin follows of course, according to the necessary order and connection of causes and effects…..

If God gives up a people to the way of their own hearts, they will, they must, perish! When a general corruption of morals takes place, when private interest extinguishes all sense of public virtue, when a profligate (shamelessly immoral) and venal (open to bribery) spirit has infected every rank and order of the state, when presumptuous security and dissipation (amusement) increase as danger approaches, when, after repeated disappointments, contempt for God, and vain confidence in imagined resources of their own, grow bolder and stronger, then there is reason to fear that the sentence has already gone forth, and that the execution of it is at hand. -- John Newton, 1725-1807

“<i><span><b>Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.”</b></span><span style="font-size:11pt;"> (Ephesians 6:24)</span></i>

What is it to love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity? It is to love Him in the truth of who He is - God manifest in the flesh! It is to love Him in His sovereignty, power and control over all things, especially us. It is to love Him for having mercy on whom He will, and being gracious to whomever He is pleased to be gracious to. It is to love His will, even when it is contrary to our own. It is to love Him for saving sinners such as we are. It is to love Him for taking all of the judgment and suffering for our sin against God upon Himself in order to redeem us from the wrath to come. It is to love Him for starting the work and finishing every bit of it. It is to love Him because He first loved us! All who have received the gift of saving grace will love the Lord Jesus Christ in absolute sincerity!-- Gabriel Stalnaker

God’s Goodness That Leads to Repentance – by David Eddmenson

In Luke chapter 15, the prodigal son, having wasted his substance on riotous living, found himself in a pigpen, eating pig-food. What was it that caused him to come to his senses, return home, and repent of his ways? Was it the sorrow that providence brought? Was it the starvation that he was experiencing? Was it the guilt of his rebellious actions? These may have been contributing factors, but it was the consideration of his father’s love and the gracious benefits of his father’s home that in the end sent him on his way home. Truly it is the goodness of God that leads men and women to repentance. (Rom. 2:4)

Preaching or Meddling

True preaching strikes at the heart of the hearer. When Paul spoke to Felix and his wife Drusilla, he spoke of righteousness, temperance and judgment. When John the Baptist spoke to Herod, he told him it was not lawful for him to have his brother’s wife. Were they preaching or meddling? If we are to be honest with men and women, we must strike at their hearts, we must take the word of God and apply it to sinners where they live, which is in their hearts, “out of the heart proceed evil thoughts…”

We cannot preach in generalities but in truth and reality. Listen to Paul. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (1Cor. 6:9-11) Yes, such were some of you and some of you still are. And it is to you who still are I say, repent and flee to Jesus Christ who can wash away all sin.– John Chapman

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

February 10th. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…… To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain – Philippians 1:21-30

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………… Two Cousins in Christ; Elisabeth & Mary – Luke 1

Wednesday: 7:00 pm …………………… Consolation, Comfort & Joy; One Love, One Accord, One Mind – Philippians 2

Birthdays: February 20th – Lanie Bobbitt, 22nd – Irene Davis, 28th – Tammy Fannin

Cleaning: Nursery:

Next Sunday… Lord willing, brother Cody Henson will be here to preach to you. I will be preaching Friday thru Sunday for Lantana Grace Church, Crossville, TN, Don Bell, pastor. Brother Larry Criss is preaching as well.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Listen to: WLMR Radio - Chattanooga, TN – 8:00 PM – Tuesdays – 1450 AM / 103.3 FM

WFAM Radio - Augusta, GA – 6:15 PM – Tuesdays – 1050 AM

WDZY Radio - Richmond, VA – 10:15 AM – Saturdays – 1290 AM / 103.3 FM

KERI Radio - Bakersfield, CA – 8:45 AM – Saturdays – 1410 AM

WYYC Radio - York, PA – 9:30 PM – Sundays – 1250 AM / 98.1 FM

Blessed Belief in the Sovereign Lord

Blessed is that man who is done with chance, who never speaks of luck- -but believes that from the least, even to the greatest, all things are ordained by the Lord. We dare not leave out the least event! The creeping of an aphid upon a rosebud is as surely arranged by the decree of Providence--as the march of a pestilence through a nation! Believe this, for if the least thing is omitted from the supreme government, so may the next be, and the next--until nothing is left in the divine hands. There is no place for chance, since God fills all things. -- Charles Spurgeon

Be still, and know that I am God…”-- Psalm 46:10

If God is not in control of everything, then God is not God. Whatever has come your way, it is God who sent it to you. He has already ordained the outcome of it. If you are His child, it will only bring good. Just be still and trust Him. — Gabe Stalnaker

The Power of This Glorious Gospel

The Power of the Gospel upon the saints’ belief, in a sense, is once and forever, but in another sense it is not. There is something essentially wrong with a man who calls himself a Christian and who can listen to a truly evangelistic (gospel) sermon without coming under conviction again, without feeling something of his own unworthiness, and rejoicing when he hears the Gospel remedy being presented. If a man can listen to such a sermon without being touched or moved I have to ask whether he is a Christian at all. It is inconceivable to me that a man who is a true believer can listen to a presentation of the exceeding sinfulness of sin and the glory of the Gospel, without being moved in two ways. One is to feel for a while, in view of what he knows about the plague of his own heart, that perhaps he is not a Christian at all; and then, to rejoice in the glorious Gospel remedy which gives him deliverance. Many a time have I been told, at the close of such a service, something like this . . .

A man, or a woman, would come in to see me and say, “You know, if I had not been converted before I would certainly have been converted tonight.” I always like to hear that. That means that they have felt the power of the Gospel again, they have seen the whole thing again, and they have, as it were, almost gone through the experience of conversion again. What I am asserting is that there must of necessity be something wrong, radically wrong, with one who claims to be a Christian who does not come under the power of this glorious Gospel every time it is presented. – Martin Lloyd Jones

Public Worship -- "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst Of them"-- Matt. 18:20

The true child of God delights in public worship, because true worship does something for him. True worship will draw us closer to Christ in communion, faith, love and obedience. It shows us Christ, it shuts us up to Christ, and it leaves us looking to Christ. If that is not the cause, we have not truly worshipped. God uses public worship to cause us to grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ. It always inspires, increases, and enlarges the faith, submission, and consecration of the believer to Christ. We cannot do without public worship, any more than we can go without food. – Todd Nibert

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

February 17th. 2019

9:30 am Bible Study & 10:00 am Sermon ……………………..…………………………………..… Brother Cody Henson

Welcome back to the pulpit brother Cody Henson from the church in Kingsport. Cody and Rachel are no strangers here and we are glad they have come. I am preaching in a meeting in Crossville, Tennessee today.

Birthdays: February 20th – Lanie Bobbitt, 22nd – Irene Davis, 28th – Tammy Fannin

Cleaning: Torrences, Next week: Mahans / / / Nursery: Aimee / Elizabeth

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

A Desire to Be With Christ -- “Having a desire to depart and be with Christ; which is far better” – Philippians 1:23

Do you have a desire to be with Christ? Those who truly know and love the Lord Jesus Christ desire to be with Him both now on earth, and someday in Heaven. This relationship with the Lord is likened to marriage (Eph.5:32). That couple who truly loves one another, loves to be together, loves the company of the other, and does not want to be apart for long. So it is with the true wife and bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord promised His disciples that He would be where two or three are gathered together in His Name. So all who love Him, want to see Him, hear His voice, and be with Him, they gather together. They love to worship Him, hear His Word, and they love His people. Lovers of Christ cannot stand to be away from Him and His people for long. They cannot stand the company of goats for long, but must be in the company of sheep, following the Shepherd.

No one knows and loves the Lord Jesus Christ who may or may not show up where He has promised to be. No one knows and loves the Lord who does not need and want to hear His Word, worship Him, and feed on Him. No one loves the Lord who can be away from Him for long. No one knows and loves the Lord who does not call on the Lord, speak to the Lord, commune with the Lord. No one knows and loves the Lord who would rather be with the people of the world, pursuing the things of the world, rather than be with God’s people looking for another world. No, no, that person is deceived, that person is deceived by the god of this world, deceived by the deceitfulness of riches, and deceived by their own heart. True love cannot abide to be without the one it loves. The solemn and serious warning is this: “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha” (accursed when the Lord comes). 1 Cor.16:22

David, a man after God’s own heart, a man who had been given a new heart by God . . . a heart to love God; David said: “One thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold His beauty, and to inquire in His temple” (Psa.27:4). David’s desire was to always be in the house of worship all the days of his life on earth and to be in His eternal house thereafter. His desire, while on this earth, was to always be in the tabernacle of the Lord hearing the beauty of the Lord preached from His Word; singing to and of His beautiful Lord. He wanted to know the Lord better and loved the study of Him, inquiring in His temple of Him; seeing His Lord as altogether lovely . . . seeing Christ’s person and work far exceeding all other studies put together. So, that is where you would always find David . . . in the house of the Lord. And that is where you will find all who have a heart like David’s. Their heart’s desire is the same as David’s. It is absolutely so . . . with everyone who knows and loves the Lord.

Paul said, I have a desire to depart and be with the Lord, which is FAR BETTER . . . far better than anything and anyone on this earth. You see, those who have truly seen by faith how the Lord left the Father for them, how far He came for them, where He came for them, what He endured for them; that Love of Christ constrains them to do the same for Him. An old English preacher named Richard Sibbes, put it this way:

To be with Christ that came from Heaven to be here on earth with us, and descended that we should ascend; to be with Him, that hath done and suffered so much for us; to be with Christ that delighted to be with us; to be with Christ that emptied Himself, and became of no reputation, that became poor to make us rich; to be with Christ our husband, now contracted here, that all may be made up in Heaven, this was the thing Paul desired.” What about you?

O That I Knew Where I Might Find Him” – Job 23:3

What a mere shallow pretense to vital godliness satisfies most ministers, most hearers, and most congregations! But there was a reality in Job’s religion. It was not of a flimsy, notional, superficial nature. It was not merely a sound Calvinistic creed, and nothing more. It was not a religion of theory, and speculation, nor a well-compacted system of doctrines and duties. There was something deeper, something more divine in Job’s religion than any such pretense, delusion, imitation, or hypocrisy. And if our religion be of the right kind, there will be something deeper in it, something more powerful, spiritual, and supernatural, than notions and doctrines, theories and speculations, merely passing to and fro in our minds, however scriptural and correct. There will be a divine reality in it, if God the Spirit be the author of it. And there will be no trifling with the solemn things of God, and with our own immortal souls. -- J. C. Philpot (1802-1869)

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

February 24th . 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………. Fellowship, Feelings & Mercies In Christ – Philippians 2:1-4

10:00 am …………………….…………………..………… A Father’s Faith for His People and His Son – Luke 1:64-80

Birthdays: February 28th – Tammy Fannin, March 3rd – Darnell Poff, 10th – Luke Montgomery & Lyla Bobbitt

Cleaning: Mahans, Next Week: Canterburys / / / Nursery: Tammy / Helen

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

The Vision of Isaiah and Mine

-- “The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and

Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.” – Isaiah 1:1

What Isaiah saw in the nation and world which he lived, is what I see all around me today. What Isaiah saw for the future of his nation, I see for my nation and every other. What Isaiah saw and what I see is . . .

- A nation rich and increased with goods; with an abundance of material things, yet vain and empty of any truly good things . . the things of God. (Isa.2:7)

- A nation and world with a carnal security; trusting in the strength of their nation and rulers, trusting in their riches to keep them from want and need; trusting in their false religion to ensure them peace with God. (Isa.30:1-7; 31:1)

- A nation full of pride, heady and highminded, with lofty thoughts of man and themselves (ch.2:11-12); a nation and world full of sinful pride, declaring their sin as Sodom, they hide it not (ch.3:9); even the young walk in pride . . .haughty. . . wanton . . . walking and tripping nicely as they go (Isa.3:16).

- A nation with no scarcity of bread or pleasures, but in a famine of the Word of God (ch.55:2).

- A nation filled with a sense of its own wisdom and worth, when most are fools and worthless (ch.47:10-13).

- A world, nation, and society that is utterly corrupt, filthy, vile, debauched, wicked; with absolutely no fear of God, but rather contempt for God, and hatred for everything that is holy, righteous, good, and godly (ch.5:13-25; 29:13).

- A world, a nation in captivity to Satan, sin, and fleshly lusts. A people believing and loving lies but hating truth (ch.59:4).

- A world about to be destroyed by the Lord God (ch.13:9; 66:15-18).

BUT, BLESS GOD this I also see. I see a people gathered together by the sovereign hand and mercy of the Lord; a remnant of God’s true people; elect and precious, faithfully, lovingly, worshipping God in spirit, rejoicing in Christ Jesus, with no confidence in the flesh; a few chosen people who are waiting for their Lord to return, waiting for their redemption, waiting for the Lord to come and take them to be with Him forever; to a place wherein dwelleth righteousness and nothing shall defile it.

Do you not see it brethren? Do you not see that God hasn’t changed, the Truth hasn’t changed, man hasn’t changed, the Word of God to all people has not changed? That Word is this . . . Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! . . . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!

Standing Fast and Standing Out– by Maurice Montgomery

My dear brothers and sisters, the churches of the United States, led by “covetous” preachers full of “zeal without knowledge,” (II Peter 2:1-3; Romans 10:1-3; Matthew 23:13-15), have been courting and catering to the world for well over fifty years. They use famous personalities, dramas and performances, pizza parties and sports, and numerous gimmicks and tricks to attract and entice natural, unregenerate men and women into the churches. And, their innovations and efforts have been very successful. Presently the United States is filled with churches and those churches, for the most part, are filled with the world! Contrary to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ concerning His people, they are both in the world and of the world (John 17:17). They have a “form of godliness” (II Timothy 3:5), but are yet strangers to the regenerating and sanctifying power of the Spirit and grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-10; II Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:11-14). They “have a name to live, but are dead” (Revelation 3:1). Brothers and sisters, we must not be moved away from the simplicity of the gospel by these fleshly, worldly innovations and attractions. There is absolutely nothing, not one thing, about spiritual truth and true worship which is attractive to the natural man! (I Corinthians 2:14; Romans 8:5-9; Galatians 5:17). We must believe our God, “plant and water,” and wait upon Him to “give the increase” (I Corinthians 3:5-8; 1:18-31).

In the same context, I urge you to take the following words of wisdom to heart. Pastor Scott Richardson says, “One reason why the church of Christ at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church. Your duty as a Christian is to stand fast in your place and stand out for God, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh, resolving like one of another time, “Let others do as they will; as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

March 3rd. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………...Working Out God’s Work -- Philippians 2:12-16

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………..The Glory & Good Will of God – Luke 2:1-20

Birthdays: March 3rd – Darnell Poff, 10th – Luke Montgomery & Lyla Bobbitt, 17th – Rick Polk & Alec Bobbitt

Cleaning: Canterburys, Next Week: Polks / / / Nursery: Margaret / Janine

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Prove All By The Word of God

The true Christian was intended by Christ to prove all things by the Word of God, all churches, all ministers, all teaching, all preaching, all doctrines, all sermons, all writings, all opinions, all practices. These are his marching orders. Prove all by the Word of God; measure all by the measure of the Bible; weigh all in the balance of the Bible; examine all by the light of the Bible; test all in the crucible of the Bible. That which can abide the fire of the Bible, receive, hold, believe, and obey.

That which cannot abide the fire of the Bible, reject, refuse, repudiate, and cast away. – unknown

What Is Your Comfort?– H.T.M.

Are you happy? Yes! but I am not without times of sorrow and depression. Like any human, I weep over loved ones, friends, sickness, death, and disappointment. But I sorrow not as those who have no hope. – Christ is my hope! He loved me, gave Himself for me, and will make all these things work together for my eternal good.

Are you at rest in your soul? Yes! but I am not free from concern and conviction over my sins and my infirmities. I love Christ but not as I should or as I desire. – Christ is my rest! I am satisfied with Him, His mercy, His grace, and His love; but I will never be totally satisfied until I wake with His likeness.

Do you have peace? Yes! but that peace with God, peace of conscience, and peace in any situation or condition is not based on my merit, feelings, nor religious duties. – Christ is my peace! He said, "In Me ye have peace. In the world ye shall have trouble." "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee."

Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of His . . .” -- Psalm 30:4

Music is a vital part of worship—it is a biblical part of worship. The text commands singing; it is not an option: Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of His. The New Testament continues this mandate: Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord (Eph.5:19). The psalmist includes some instructions for the singing: Give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness. The New Testament echoes musical instruction: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord (Col.3:16). Singing, according to the scriptures, has much more than an artistic purpose; it is to bring to mind the holiness of God. It is to foster the meditation of the heart upon Christ, His word, His wisdom. It is to teach and admonish the church in the things of Christ. It is doctrinal and encouraging.

Singing does not set the tone for worship, it is worship. It is not merely to set the tone for preaching; it preaches. That is why it is so very important that the musicians take particular care to make sure that every hymn, every song, every chorus is thoroughly biblical to the last syllable. Christian singing is worship set to music. Error is not sanctified by a tune. In fact, error can become even more deadly when presented in song. A lovely melody can dull the senses, disguising heresy with artistry. The devil knows the power of a song, and no doubt aims his deceit with the most effective means. The defense is not to discourage music, but to keep alert to the message of every musical presentation.

Old music, new music, let none be taken for granted. A hymn’s age doesn’t establish its veracity; its message does. The gospel is not assured in a particular rhythm or style; it’s found in thus saith the Lord. Anything that detracts from the message shouldn’t be there! Let the saints, young and old, sing of God’s holiness. “O that with yonder sacred throng we at His feet may fall! We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all! And while we wait, let earth be filled with the songs of His holiness! -- Jay Wimberly, 1936-2012

If you find yourself loving any pleasure better than prayer, any book better than the Bible, any house better than the house of God, any table better than the Lord’s table, any person better than Christ, any indulgence better than the hope of Heaven . . . take alarm! -- Thomas Guthrie, Scotland – 1803-1873

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

March 10th. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……The Sacrifice and Service of Faith – Philippians 2:16-30

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..………………………………..… An Old Man Waiting – Luke 2:25


The Lord willing, Mindy and I will be leaving tomorrow for St. Croix, where I will be preaching for Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Dan Parks pastor. In my absence, next Sunday, brother Gabe Stalnaker will be preaching for you.

Birthdays: March 10th – Lyla Bobbitt, 17th – Rick Polk & Alec Bobbitt

Cleaning: Polks, Next Week: Pendrys / / / Nursery: Jill / Karen

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Be Content and Be Confident-- H.T.M.

Someone wrote that Martin Luther’s strength and confidence lay in the fact that he believed so strongly that the ministry in which he was engaged was not his own but the Lord’s. He often prayed, “Lord, this is your cause, not mine.”
What would this persuasion do for you and me? Is not most of our depression and unhappiness caused by the desire to SEE more than we are seeing, DO more than we are doing, HAVE more than we have, and to BE what we are not?
If this is THE LORD’S CAUSE AND NOT MINE, then I ought to be content to serve diligently where He has placed me, with the gifts He has given me, doing all that I find to do, and rejoicing in His love. “Where two or three are met in my name.” Enoch walked with God in a day few did. Paul rejoiced in the Lord when all had forsaken him except Luke.

Walking Before Our Children

Children take more notice of what their parents do, than what they say. Actions speak louder than words. Even small children can see through us when we are not sincere and honest. If we live contrary to God’s word, a child will pick up on it. Not only might that child lose confidence in a parent’s profession of faith, but the child may learn to be a hypocrite like the parent. God give us grace to walk honestly and sincerely before him first and foremost. Then and only then will we walk honestly and sincerely before our children. – Bruce Crabtree

Waiting on the Worthless . . . Waiting To Be Gracious

And therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you . . .” – Isaiah 30:18          

The Lord God of Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, does not wait on anyone or anything but rather predestined, purposed, and ordered all things to come to pass long before the world began. “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world” . . . . “Him, Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will” . . . “All things work together . . . according to His purpose. The salvation of His people, each and every one of them, was determined by God before the world began. He purposed the year, the day, the hour and the moment when each of them would hear His voice, be born again by the preaching of His gospel. He waits to speak . . . to save . . . waits on the appointed time and place . . . the fullness of time and events, to bring His child to Himself.

One day the Lord of glory came to a low down town called Sychar in Samaria. He headed straight for a well and sat on that well. Though hot, tired, and thirsty Himself, He didn’t come for a drink of water but He came for a woman, a sinner, came to give her a drink of water. And so He sat on that well, waiting. If someone in town had asked Him, “who are you waiting on?” and He told them; they might have said, “O my! THAT woman? Why she’s a lowlife. She’s a bad one. She’s no good. She’s not worth waiting on.” All true, but there the Lord sat, waiting on her; and was not going to leave without speaking to her. Though He didn’t need her, she needed Him. Though she was not waiting and looking for Him, bless the Lord, He was waiting on her. Though she was not worth the wait, the Lord made her worth His while, and was greatly exalted by her. And so He waited . . . waited to be gracious to this one, worthless, forlorn woman. He’s not leaving without her. What a merciful Lord!

And so, you and I are going to have to wait . . . wait on the Lord . . . wait and see if He will be gracious to those we have a burden for; that husband or wife, that son or daughter, that father or mother who doesn’t know Him. And while waiting, call. Call on the Lord to save them. But don’t plead their merit plead mercy. Don’t plead their worth, plead His glory and honor. And if He does . . . if He is gracious to them and gracious to us in saving them, O wouldn’t it be worth the wait, worth all that happened, worth all the sin and sorrow! And O won’t He be exalted!

So, wait. Wait, I say, on the Lord. He delights to shew mercy . . . He taketh pleasure in it.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

March 17th 2019

9:30 am Bible Study

10:00 am Worship ……………………….…………………..……………………………..… Messages by Gabe Stalnaker

Welcome . . . . Gabe & Hannah. We welcome Gabe and Hannah Stalnaker back with us. Brother Gabe will bring both messages to you today while I preach for the Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of St. Croix, U.S.V.I., Dan Parks, pastor.

Lord willing we will return home late tomorrow night.

Birthdays: April 3rd – Steven Parks, 4th – Jacob Montgomery, 14th – Charles Wesley Hudson

Cleaning: Pendrys, Next Week: Fannins / / / Nursery: Hope / Teresa

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Listen to: WLMR Radio - Chattanooga, TN – 8:00 PM – Tuesdays – 1450 AM / 103.3 FM

WFAM Radio - Augusta, GA – 6:15 PM – Tuesdays – 1050 AM

WDZY Radio - Richmond, VA – 10:15 AM – Saturdays – 1290 AM / 103.3 FM

KERI Radio - Bakersfield, CA – 8:45 AM – Saturdays – 1410 AM

WYYC Radio - York, PA – 9:30 PM – Sundays – 1250 AM / 98.1 FM

Blessed By God’s Choice

We preach election because there is not a single blessing that comes to us from the hand of our Redeemer that is not stamped with the hand of God’s electing love. The Scriptures say, “God hath blessed us according as He hath chosen us” (Eph. 1:3-4). Again, “He hath chosen us that we should by holy” (Eph. 1:4). Again, “The God of our fathers hath chosen thee that thou shouldest know His will” (Acts 22:14). It is not in ourselves that these blessings are contained. We have them because of OUR UNION WITH CHRIST, and we are united with Christ because of the Father’s Divine and Sovereign choice. – H.T.M.

Sovereign Mercy and Grace

And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.” (Exodus 33:19)

Had God not loved a particular people; and had God not been gracious to a particular people and shown mercy to a particular people, not one soul would have ever been saved. We would have never chosen Him had He not chosen us. We would have never loved Him had He not loved us. We would have rejected His mercy and grace had it not been irresistible. Thank God for His sovereignty in all these things toward us. – Gabe Stalnaker

Something Special

Something amazingly special is taking place when even two or three believers meet together in the name of the Lord…The Lord is there. He is there doing something truly wonderful…He is hearkening and hearing the words of His people (Mal. 3:6). And then, not only does He give attention to and hear the words… A book of remembrance is written before him for them that fear Him and think upon his name. Since His Sovereign presence is found when but a few are blessed to meet… May we who meet be mindful of Whose presence we’re in…and may the Lord direct our hearts and mouths to glorify Him.  --Marvin Stalnaker

I Will Love Them Freely

There are five words found in Hosea chapter 14, verse 4 that I rest my soul upon. “I will love them freely.” There is not one thing found in me that would commend God’s love to me, for if there were, His love would not be free. Equally evident is the blessed truth that there is nothing in me that would hinder God’s love, mercy and grace to me. Why? Because God promises, “I will love them freely.” How does God remain just and at the same time love and justify chosen sinners? Only in the substitution and death of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ God loves me freely! -- David Eddmenson

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

March 24th . 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………....When the Lord Was 12 Years Old – Luke 2:39-52

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………….…………… Last Words of 2 Old Believers – Luke 2:25-38


Birthdays: April 3rd – Steven Parks, 4th – Jacob Montgomery, 14th – Wesley Hudson

Cleaning: Fannins, Next Week: Sheesleys / / / Nursery: Aimee / Kathryn

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

** The following article was written nearly 400 years ago by Thomas Watson, a faithful gospel preacher and pastor. How relevant, how current, how needful this is. It sounds like our nation and world today. Evidently brother Watson’s nation and world was much the same as ours. Although things may not be worse now, they are more wide spread, therefore making it worse and nearing the fulfilment of the prophecy of our Lord, “As in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” In the days of Noah, the Lord looked down and saw that, ‘the WHOLE EARTH had corrupted His way . . . and was full of violence.’ And then He destroyed it. That’s our day as no other. Would to God He would grant this nation the repentance that brother Thomas speaks of. Let’s pray for it.

The Need for National Repentance– By Thomas Watson, England (1620-1686)

England needs to put itself in mourning and be humbled by solemn repentance. What horrible impieties are chargeable upon this nation! We see persons daily enlisting themselves under Satan. Not only the walls of religion but those of civility are broken down. Men seem to contend, as the Jews of old, who should be the most wicked: “In their filthiness is lewdness” (Ezek.24:13). If cursing and drunkenness, if lying, and luxury will make a people guilty, then it is to be feared England is in God’s black book. Men have made a private contract with the devil! Instead of crying for mercy to save them, they cry, ‘God damn them!’ Never was there such riding to post to hell, as if men did despair of getting there in time. . . . ‘They declare their sin as Sodom’ (Isa.3:9). Indeed men’s sins are grown daring, as if they would hang out their flag of defiance and give Heaven a broadside, like the Thracians who, when it thunders, gather together in a body and shoot their arrows against Heaven. The sinners in Britain even send God a challenge: ‘They strengthen themselves against the Almighty; they run upon Him even on His neck . . . (Job 15:25-26). . . .

Oh to what height is sin boiled up! Men count it a shame not to be impudent! May it not be said of us as Josephus (the historian) said of the Jews; “such was the excessive wickedness of those times that if the Romans had not come and sacked their city, Jerusalem would have been swallowed up with some earthquake, or drowned with a flood, or fired from Heaven.”

And is it not high time then for this nation to enter into a spirit of repentance?

England is an island encompassed by two oceans, an ocean of water, and an ocean of wickedness. O that it might be encompassed with a third ocean, that of repenting tears!

The Providence of God– Don Fortner

As a wise, skilled pharmacist mixes medicine, our heavenly Father wisely mixes exactly the right measure of bitter things and sweet, to do us good.

Too much joy would intoxicate us. Too much misery would drive us to despair. Too much sorrow would crush us. Too much suffering would break our spirits. Too much pleasure would ruin us. Too much defeat would discourage us. Too much success would puff us up. Too much failure would keep us from doing anything. Too much criticism would harden us. Too much praise would exalt us. Our great God knows exactly what we need. His Providence is wisely designed and sovereignly sent for our good! Let him therefore send and do what he will. By His grace, if we are His, we will face it, bow to it, accept it, and give thanks for it.

God's Providence is always executed in the 'wisest manner' possible. We are often unable to see and understand the reasons and causes for specific events in our lives, in the lives of others, or in the history of the world. But our lack of understanding does not prevent us from believing God. We bow to His will, which is evident in His works of Providence, and say, "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!"

The God of Providence rules all things well. How we ought to trust Him! Ever remember, our heavenly Father is God all wise, good, and omnipotent. He is too wise to err, too good to do wrong, and too strong to fail.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

March 31st . 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………… God’s Word in the Wilderness – Luke 3:1-2

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………..……… Rejoice In The Lord, Brethren – Philippians 3:1

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ………………………………………………………….. BlessThe Lord O’ My Soul – Psalm 103

Birthdays: April 3rd – Steven Parks, 4th – Jacob Montgomery, 14th – Wesley Hudson

Cleaning: Sheesleys, Next Week: Berrys / / / Nursery: Debra / Elizabeth

*** The Lord willing, I will be preaching this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the Bible Baptist Church, Madisonville, Kentucky, where brother David Eddmenson is pastor. In my absence next Sunday, brother Eric Floyd will be here to preach to you.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Love As Brethren -- “ . . . having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous . . ." -- I Peter 3:8

Blood relations, generally speaking, are very forgiving, longsuffering, and understanding with each other . . . they are brothers! "Love as brethren." Brothers know each other well and realize they are just alike. "Love as brethren." A brother will quickly forgive his brother just about any offense. "Love as brethren." A brother does not want to believe the worst, but rather the best about his brother; believing whatever he did or said wrong, was just due to a bad day or something. "Love as brethren." A brother doesn't want to believe any bad report about his brother and certainly doesn't want anyone talking about him to others. "Love as brethren." A brother will never hold a lasting grudge or be bitter against his brother for too long, knowing the brother didn't deliberately hurt or offend him. "Love as brethren." A brother will never talk privately about his brothers faults and failures, but rather wants others to think highly of his 'brother.' "Love as brethren." A brother knows his brother is capable of doing and saying wrong things, after all, he is his brother . . . same parents, same home, same upbringing, same nature, same world, same temptations, same weaknesses, same problems. A brother realizes what his brother is made of . . . SINFUL FLESH, living in a sinful world. "Love as brethren."

Does someone ask, ' Who is my brother?’ That's what the Pharisees asked about their neighbor (wanting to know who they could hate rather than love). Every man is my brother in Adam and I am told by my Lord to love him, do good unto him, forgive him, and be merciful to him, . . . but especially those of the household of faith. "Love as brethren." Satan is called the accuser of the brethren. He wants nothing more than to divide and cause discord amongst brethren. He accuses the brethren before God, before the law, to their own consciences and will even use us to bring an accusation against our brother. Brethren, resist the devil. Don't let him use you to accuse, to sew discord. God hates it. Resist the devil by calling on your Lord. Resist him by not believing the accusations about your brother. "Love as brethren."

I have a friend and brother in Christ who has a very Christ-like, exemplary trait. Whenever he hears a bad report about someone, he calls that person and asks them about it; wanting to get to the truth of the matter. Don't you wish everyone would do that for you? That's what love does. "Love rejoices not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth." I want to be a friend like that. I want to love like that.

"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, EVEN AS GOD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE HATH FORGIVEN YOU. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; and WALK IN LOVE, AS CHRIST ALSO HATH LOVED US, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour."(Eph.4:31-5:2)

There are hundreds of perversions of God’s Word in print today. Only one, the King James, is directly translated from the original languages in which God’s Word was written. The so-called ‘Living Bible’ is one of the more popular ones and has been around for years. Notice the blasphemous differences in just these two texts.

King James: "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed."

Living Bible: "When the Gentiles heard this, they were very glad and rejoiced in Paul's message; and as many as wanted eternal life, believed."

King James: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Living Bible: "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans." 

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

April 7th . 2019

9:30 am & 10:00 am ………….…………………..……………………………………………….. Messages by Eric Floyd

Wednesday: 7:00 pm …………………………………………………………………... Fatherly Pity – Psalm 103:13-22

Welcome back . . . Eric and Abby Floyd.

We are glad to have you back with us. For any visitors with us, brother Eric Floyd is a member of Hurricane Road Grace Church, Catlettsburg, Kentucky. He has preached for us on several occasions and we are thankful to have him again. I am preaching today for Bible Baptist Church, Madisonville, Ky, David Eddmenson, pastor.

 Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

 Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

30 Years Together

Last Sunday evening you surprised me with a 30 year anniversary supper and I was indeed surprised; so much so that I was at a loss for words. I (we) thank you so much for the supper and all the generous gifts. 30 years! . . . have gone by quickly. . .

It was March 19th, 1989, only our second visit here, that you asked me to be your pastor, which I immediately and wholeheartedly accepted. I was only 34 years old (so very young, untried, unproven, and unknowing). I thank the Lord for His mercy to you and for your patience with me. Mindy and I knew the first time we came here, that you were our people and this was where we would be. I had always heard from other preachers that ‘you will know.’ It was indeed love at first sight for us and that love has only grown deeper. Some are still here from thirty years ago, but several have gone to be with the Lord. Many new brethren are part of this assembly and we thank the Lord for each and every one He has gathered.

Mindy and I thank the Lord for you and the blessed fellowship around the gospel that He has given us all these years. And we thank all of you for your loving, faithful, friendship and support all these years . . . which loving support is now exceedingly generous. You certainly prove the sincerity of your love for our Lord, His gospel, and those who preach it.

As I have tried to say often, I thank the Lord for the service of so very many of you to our Lord’s cause, this church, and to us. So many do so much and I am very grateful. But again, there is one person who deserves special recognition; someone without whom I would not and could not be here. I am talking about my wife, Mindy. Scripture tells us that a bishop (pastor) must be married and that his wife must have certain godly traits. The Lord has given me such a wife and a diligent servant to me and this church. She has housed and entertained so many saints and done so much for this church, our children, our building; and I am so very thankful for her. In the beginning it was much more difficult for her leaving her church family, pastor, family and home, than it was for me; but like me, she is so glad the Lord called us here. She has been a constant source of comfort and encouragement to me. I would not and could not be here without her. But then . . . we are nothing . . . all of us. And all of this is our reasonable service and blessed privilege. It is all His mercy and grace and He deserves all the honour and glory. – 1 Chron.29:14-16

In the words of the apostle, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for YOU ALL making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus: even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart…” (Phil.1:3-7). Thank you all again for everything. We love you.

I am persuaded that every true servant of Christ must be a man of one idea, and that idea is CHRIST. He must belong to the very oldest school – the school of CHRIST; he must be as narrow as the truth of God; and he must, with stern decision, refuse to move one hair’s breadth in the direction of this infidel age. -- C.H. Mackintosh

Only Men At Best From John Ploughman's Talks, by Charles Spurgeon

If we would remember that we live among people who are imperfect, we would not be in such a fever when we discover one another's failings. Old cloth will tear and cracked pots will leak. Blessed is he who expects nothing of poor flesh and blood, for he will seldom be disappointed. The best of men are only men at the best.

 I am not what I ought to be, ah, how imperfect and deficient. I am not what I wish to be; I abhor what is evil, and I would cleave to what is good. I am not what I hope to be; soon I shall put off, with mortality, all sin and imperfection. Though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say that I am not what I once was, a slave to sin and Satan. And I can heartily join with the apostle and acknowledge that by the grace of God I am what I am.

-- John Newton

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

April 14th . 2019

9:30 am ……………………….………………………….….………………..…… Repentance & It’s Fruits – Luke 3:3-18

10:00 am ……………………….………………………..………………… A Preacher, A Seeker, A Saviour – Acts 8:26-40

Birthdays: April 14th – Wesley Hudson, 17th – Betty Groover & Emma Holland, 21st – Jennifer Holland

22nd – Rick Kess & Andrew Montgomery, 30th – Red Huff & Hope Montgomery

Cleaning: Teresa, Bonnie, Aimee / Saturday 27th – Spring Cleaning / / / Nursery: Margaret / Jill


Amen” is a good scriptural word. Whether it is said audibly, or silently in the heart, it is expressive of worship. I realize it is a horribly abused term by most religious people. Be that as it may, it is still a good scriptural word. It means, “Let it be so,” or “so be it.” It is used primarily in the Bible to express these four things. First, it is the desire of the heart. “Behold I come quickly; Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.”By saying “Amen” we say, “Lord, let it be so.” Secondly, it signifies the affirmation of our faith. We only say Amen to what we really believe to be true. Thirdly, “Amen” expresses the joy of our hearts. When we hear some truth that exalts our Redeemer, we say with a heart overflowing with joy, “Amen.” Fourthly, it is sometimes used in Scripture as a resolution. We mean, “I resolve by God’s strength to make it so, or to do it.” Don’t let the fact that this word is abused by insincere religionists take away its meaning. It really does not matter whether you use the word silently or audibly. All that matters is that it comes from the depths of your heart. Remember how our Lord taught us to end our prayer. “Amen.” We say by that, this is actually what we desire, what we believe to be true, what rejoices our hearts, and what we resolve by God’s grace to do. “Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen” – copied

Predestination -- “ Having predestinated us . . .” ( Ephesians 1:5,11 - Romans 8:29,30 )

The blessed word of truth, ‘predestination’, is recorded in God’s word 4 times. Each time it concerns God’s elect people, how that God has predetermined their destiny . . . that they be like Christ and be with Christ. Everything about them and every single event in their lives has been predetermined by the Lord . . . down to the very hairs of their head. Unbelievers do not like God’s predestination, but all true believers do. Unbelievers do not like God’s sovereign predestination because it takes man’s destiny out of his hands. That is precisely why God’s people love it. It takes their destiny out of their hands and puts it into the hands of their sovereign Lord, and that is exactly where they want it to be. David’s peace and comfort were in the God who had ‘ordered all things’ concerning him. Paul’s personal comfort and his encouragement to us, was in the God Who ‘worketh all things after the counsel of His own will . . . all things for good . . . to the called according to His purpose.” What peace or comfort is there in a god who does not want certain things to happen yet they do anyway? You can have that god. I need a God Who is God; a God Who has me and this world in His hands, under His absolute control. I can say with Eli, no matter what comes, ‘It is the Lord.’ I can go to sleep at night. I can rest in Him, for He hath said, “All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth.” Though I do not understand everything He does, yet I believe that He does all things and He does them right. Someday I will know as I’ve been known and I will see clearly what I believe with all my heart now . . . that my God doeth all things . . He doeth them well; and whatever it may be, it had to be, or it wouldn’t be. Amen. (so be it)

A Tree That Cumbereth the Ground --“Behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none:

cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?” -- Luke 13:7

The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples” (John 15:8). The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” He that beareth these things (as a tree that has fruit hanging on it) glorifies the Lord. And like a fruit bearing tree, this fruit is for the use of others. We glorify our Lord by being of some service and benefit to others. On the other hand, that person who lives only for self, like a fruitless tree, cumbereth the ground. A tree that cumbereth the ground is one that takes from the ground and gives nothing in return. It is a taker, not a giver, living only for self. The Lord said, “Cut it down!”

O’ may we not be takers, but rather givers! Freely have we received, may we freely give. We who have received the gospel, may we give it out or tell it. We who have been shown so much mercy, may we be merciful. We who have received so much grace, may we be very gracious. We who have received so much love, may we be very loving. We who have been forgiven so much, may we readily forgive. We who have been shown such patience, may we be patient with others. We who have received so much goodness, may we show much goodness. We who have been treated so kindly by our Lord, may we show much kindness. We who have been made rich through our Lord’s poverty, may we give back to the Lord and be generous to others. O’ let it not be said; “Cut it down, why cumbereth it the ground?”

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

April 21st - 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………........ Marks of a True Believer – Philippians 3:1-11

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………………………. Christ & The Dove – Luke 3:21-22

Birthdays: April 21st – Jennifer Holland, 22nd – Rick Kess & Andrew Montgomery, 30th – Red Huff & Hope Montgomery

Cleaning: Spring Clean Saturday / / / Nursery: Hope / Karen

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

The High Value of Our Bibles – by John Brown, Scotland – 1784-1858

How highly should we value our Bibles! How highly should we value them, when we think what they have cost! How highly should we value them, when we think what they contain! How highly should we value them, when we think what end they are intended and fitted to serve!

How much have our Bibles cost? They have not cost us much. Though there once was a time, even in this country, when a single copy of the Scriptures was a possession to which only the wealthy and noble could aspire; yet, ever since any of us can recollect, the Bible was to be obtained at a moderate price, and we have great cause to rejoice that now, the best of books, is the cheapest of books. If anyone in our country is without a Bible, the reason must be sought somewhere else than in the scarceness or the dearness of the inspired volume. Yet the Bible, which costs us so little, cost some very dear, through whose instrumentality it comes to us. Our English Bible cost William Tyndale his life; and many others bonds and imprisonments. Indeed it were difficult to estimate the amount of labour and suffering which our English Bible has cost; still more difficult to estimate the expense of toil and sacrifice at which, since the beginning, the preservation and transmission of the sacred book has been secured. All these considerations go to enhance the value of our Bibles; but they are all as nothing in comparison with this consideration. Looking at our Bibles, we may say, “They were not gotten for gold, neither was silver weighed for their price… They were not purchased for us by such ‘corruptible things as silver and gold;’ nay, not by such things as the travail of men’s minds, or the sacrifice of men’s lives, but ‘by the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.Our Bibles are blood-bought Bibles! Surely, then, we should value them, and show our value for them by rightly using them. He who neglects the Bible pours contempt on the blood of the incarnate Son of God.

Let Us Be Like Our Brother– by Daniel Parks

The Holy Spirit says of Jesus Christ, “He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people” (Hebrews 2:17).

Now, if Jesus Christ made Himself to be like His brethren in order to save them, should not His saved brethren make themselves to be like Him?

Brothers and sisters, let us be like Jesus Christ in all aspects of our earthly lives:

• our love to God, neighbors, brothers and sisters

• our prayers to God

• our worship of God

• our estimation of earthly wealth and fame

• our walk in this world

• our conversation with others

• our abstinence from all that is ungodly, unholy, unrighteous

• our resistance to temptations

• our kindness to sinners

• our faithfulness until death

Let all Jesus Christ’s brothers and sisters be like their elder brother.

 “As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man” – Proverbs 27:19

When we look into a pool of water, as in a mirror, we see our own reflection. When we speak to our believing brethren, confessing our faults one to another, they answer with the same struggles, the same temptations, the same doubts, fears and problems. How good and comforting it is to have a heart to heart talk with a brother or sister in the Lord.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

May 26th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..… Brethren, Let Us Mind The Same Thing – Philippians 3:8-

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………….……… Gracious Words / Hated Words – Luke 4:14-32

*** Remember our dear brethren who are suffering. There are many.

Birthdays: May 29th – Jeanette Berry, June 2nd – Charles Hudson, 17th – Sandy Parks, 22nd – Nancy Parks

Cleaning: John & Irene

** The following article is a little difficult to read in parts, but well worth careful reading. It will be a blessing to you.

Without Christ, We Can Do Nothing

Nothing is stronger than humility, that goeth out of itself; or weaker than pride, that resteth upon its own bottom, and this should the rather be observed because naturally we affect a kind of divinity, in setting upon actions in the strength of our own parts; whereas Christ saith,”Without me ye,’ apostles that are in a state of grace, ‘can do nothing (John 15:5). He doth not say you can do a little, but nothing! Of ourselves, how easily are we overcome! How weak to resist! We are as reeds shaken with every wind; we shake at the very noise and thought of poverty, disgrace, losses, &c., we give in presently, we have no power over our eyes, tongues, thoughts, affections, but let sin pass in and out. How soon are we overcome of evil! Whereas we should overcome evil with good. How many good purposes stick in the birth, and have no strength to come forth! All which shows how nothing we are without the Spirit of Christ. We see how weak the apostles themselves were, till they were endued with strength from above, (Mt.26:69). Peter blasted with the speech of a damsel, but after the Spirit of Christ fell upon them, the more they suffered, the more they were encouraged to suffer; their comforts grew with their troubles; therefore in all, especially difficult encounters, let us lift up our hearts to Christ, Who hath Spirit enough for us all, in all our distresses, and say with good Jehoshaphat, “Lord, we know not what to do, but our eyes are toward Thee,” (2 Chr.20:12); the battle is Thine, and the strength whereby we fight must be Thine. If Thou goest not out with us, we are sure to be foiled. Satan knows nothing can prevail against Christ, or those that rely upon His power; therefore Satan’s work is how to keep us in ourselves, and in the creature: but we must carry this always in our minds, that that which is begun in self-confidence will end in shame. The manner of Christ’s bringing forth judgment to victory, is by letting us see a necessity of dependence upon Him; hence proceed those spiritual desertions wherein He often leaveth us to ourselves, both in regard of grace and comfort, that we may know the spring head of these to be out or ourselves. Hence it is that in the mount, that is, in extremities, God is most seen, (Gen.22:13). Hence it is that we are saved by the grace of faith, that carrieth us out of ourselves to rely upon Another; and that faith worketh best alone, when it hath least outward support. Hence it is, that we often fail in lesser conflicts, and stand out in greater, because in lesser we rest more in ourselves, in greater we fly to the Rock of our salvation, which is higher than we (Ps.56:2). Hence likewise it is, that we are stronger after foils (defeats), because hidden corruption, undiscerned before, in now discovered, and thence we are brought to make use of mercy pardoning and power supporting. – Robert Trail, Scotland, 1642-1716

How We Know Our Gospel is THE Gospel

  1. The Source of it - God. It is God’s Gospel and so THE Gospel.

  2. The Subject of it – God’s Son. Jesus Christ is THE Gospel. It is all about Him.

  3. The Sovereignty of it – God saves whom He will, because He will, by His will; by His sovereign will and power.

  4. The Subjects of it – Christ came to save sinners. THE Gospel is good news for sinners, and sinners only.

  5. The Success of it – THE Gospel saves! THE Gospel justifies, sanctifies, regenerates. It saves and keeps saved.

  6. The Suffering of it – Those who believe and declare THE Gospel will suffer persecution for doing so.

  7. The Need of it – THE Gospel meets the need of every poor and needy sinner . . . their every need.

  8. The Glory of it – THE Gospel takes a beggar from the dunghill to sit Him with the King in Glory!

We Are Still Human

Any man or woman who claims continual, uninterrupted joy, rest, and peace in this world is either not telling the truth or has no connection with reality! True joy, rest, and peace are things we enjoy in Christ in the midst of troubles, afflictions. and infirmities.

Paul's exhortation was "rejoice in the Lord." When I am conscious of my weakness, failures, and sins, I rejoice in Christ, my righteousness. When I am concerned about food, clothing, and shelter, I rejoice in Christ, my provider. When I am sick, Christ is my healer. When I am grieved, Christ is my comfort. When I am faced with death, Christ is my life! So it is not necessary to put on a false face and deceive others. We are still human; but our peace, rest, and joy is Christ. – Henry Mahan

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

May 12th . 2019

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………….…… Message by Brother Roland Browning

It is good to have Roland and Lorie Browning back with us today. Brother Roland is an elder from Grace Baptist Church of Dingess, West Virginia. We thank him for coming at short notice to help us in this time of need.

Rest --“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep; for THOU LORD ONLY makest me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8).

Better than bars and locks is the protection of our Lord. Armed men kept the bed of Solomon; but we do not believe he slept more soundly than his father, David, whose bed was the hard ground, and who was hunted by evil men. Note the word “only” which means that God alone was his keeper; and that though alone, without man’s help, he was in good keeping; for he was, alone with God.
O Lord, give us calm repose on Thee that, like David, we may lie down in peace and sleep each night while we live and then joyfully lie down at that appointed time to sleep in death and rest in Christ.
– H.T.M

The Day We Fly Away

Oh, that I had wings like a dove, for then I would fly away, and be at rest.” – Psalm 55:6

This spring we watched a Robin build her nest, lay her eggs, and hatch her young…4 little birds. Then we watched that mother feed her babies day by day . . . and they began to grow and grow. Then, one by one those little birds began to fly away. But one hesitated. One stayed in the nest. That little fellow was afraid and didn’t want to leave that nest. And so we watched and waited. We watched the mother come back and continue to feed him. We watched her fly away (and so did he) then she would come back to him, seemingly encouraging him . . .“it’s okay little one, take that leap… you’ll find yourself flying just like your brothers and sisters, for you were born to fly.” Then one morning . . . the day had come . . . his big day; he was standing on the edge of that nest, looking out over that big world, wondering . . . and lo’ and behold . . . he flew away!

And so it is with every child of God, every believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, everyone who is born of God, begotten by His will & Word. Those born of God are fed by Him as that mother robin fed her babies. The Spirit of God takes the things of God, the Word of God, the Christ of God, and feeds His little children on Him. And they grow! They grow in grace and the knowledge of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And according to the purpose and promise of their Lord, that they be with Him in glory someday . . . they all look forward to that day . . . the day when they shall fly away and be at rest, be with the Lord. But . . . they are all afraid . . . they are all their lifetime subject to the bondage and fear of death; fear of stepping out into the unknown. But wait! It is not unknown. Someone went before them and returned to tell them, ‘He that liveth and believeth on Me shall never die . . . to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord . . . He that hath the Son hath life! Eternal life! . . They shall never die . . . they are born to live! That Someone was the Lord Jesus Christ, Who came to live and die for them, to redeem them, to give them that eternal life; to give them their freedom from sin, bondage and death; to give them their wings!

And so we wait . . . wait for our day. . . wait for the day when we will mount up with wings of like a dove, on wings of an Eagle and fly away! We watch our brothers and sisters fly away one by one, while we linger, perhaps afraid, wondering when our day will come . . . and it will come . . . one day soon (for we all stand on the edge of eternity). Then it comes . . . Our day . . . the day we fly away. . . that blessed day when we go to be with the Lord and our brethren who went before us.

Be not afraid brothers and sisters for the Lord came back and showed us, and keeps feeding us with promise after promise of our certain salvation, and is coming back again for us, one way or another. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Comfort one another with these words.

Don’t Sit With The Scornful-- “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,

nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”

We’ve all sat with them, heard them . . . the scornful . . . that man or woman who mocks, scoffs and ridicules everything and everyone (but himself). Scorners think very highly of themselves, their thoughts and opinions, but make light of and fun of nearly everyone else. They love to belittle and make fun of others, always finding fault and ridiculing. They love to gossip, find fault and talk about others. They are suspicious of others, believing no one and nothing, thinking all are full of guile (like them). They are self-righteous, for there is no one more self-righteous than he who calls everyone else self-righteous. Beware of these scorners. Don’t sit with them. Don’t listen to them, lest you be poisoned by them, become like them, and be cursed with them. Blessed is the man who sitteth not in the seat of the scornful.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

May 19th. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……..………….. A Genealogy With An End – Luke 3:23-38

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………… The Temptation of The Son of God – Luke 4:1-13

Birthdays: May 22nd – Steve Montgomery, 23rd – Edwin Berry, 29th – Jeanette Berry

*** Congratulations to Laura Bobbitt upon her graduation from high school. May the Lord direct your steps Laura.

Now’s The Time (The sooner the better)

. . . Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” – 2 Corinthians 6:2

What are you waiting for? Now’s the time! Do you need mercy? Call…right now! Do you need help? Cry…right now! Do you need forgiveness? Call, ask, seek . . . right now! Now’s the time! Not tomorrow, not later . . . now! As dear brother Thomas Watson said, Now God has a mind to shew mercy to the penitent. He is right now of the giving hand.”

What are you waiting for? Do you believe Him? He that believeth on the Son hath life. Do you trust Him? None that trust in Him have or shall be disappointed. Do you need Him? It is for the poor and needy that He came. Do you love Him?

His person, His Word, His Work, His Truth, His people . . . it is because He first loved you. Have you confessed Him in believer’s baptism as He told you to? If not, why? What are you waiting for ? A feeling? Assurance? Evidence that you are a believer? Faith is the evidence. Hope is the evidence. Love is the evidence. Don’t wait on a feeling, believe and thou shalt be saved. Don’t wait to feel saved, but come to Him and He will tell you so. Now’s the time. The time to come is now!

COME NOW, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isa.1:18). The sooner the better. The sooner you call, the sooner you confess, the sooner you come . . . the sooner you will be comforted. The sooner the better it will be for you. So come!

Now’s the time! The time is now! Today is the day of salvation for all who call, all who believe. You have His promise. “Come unto me, ALL ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST” (Mt.11:28).

So come to Christ, right now! . . . and it shall be well with you . . . it shall be well with your soul.

I Will Walk In Thy Truth-- Psalm 86:11

 Every resolution expressed by a good man, in a proper frame of mind, will be founded, not in self-confidence, but in dependence on divine grace. Then it will be useful; it will tend to stimulate and to humble; to bring to remembrance, and to bind; it will be like a hedge that defends the field; or like the hemming that keeps the robe from raveling out. “I will walk in thy truth.” Is a noble resolution, and worthy of our imitation.  

 Walking, in the Scriptures takes in the whole of our conversation or conduct; and to walk in anything, intends a fullness of it. For a man to walk in pride, is something more than to be proud; it says, that pride is his way, his element – that he is wholly under the influence of it. So we say, a man is in love.  Four ways we should thus walk in God’s truth 

 We should walk in the BELIEF of the truth. It is a faithful saying and worthy of our acceptation. If we receive the witness of man, the witness of God is greater. How slow of heart are we to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Lord increase our faith.

 We should walk in the PRACTICE of the truth. Faith without works is as a body without a soul there is nothing vital, or operative in it. It is well to hear; but hearing is to be viewed in the order of means, and not as an end. Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. If we know these things happy are ye if ye do them.

  We should walk in the ENJOYMENT of his truth. The truth is not only of a sanctifying, but of a consolatory nature; it brings us glad tidings of great joy, it is all written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. If, therefore, our conversation becometh the Gospel, it will be happy, as well as holy. Thus it was with the first Christians: they walked, not only in the fear of the Lord, but in the comforts of the Holy Ghost. They were not free from trouble; but, as the sufferings of Christ abounded in them the consolation also abounded by Christ. They felt they could do nothing, but they were strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and through Him they could do all things. They knew not what a day may bring forth; but they were careful for nothing, casting all their care on Him who cared for them. The Gospel did not shut them up in a dungeon of doubts and fears; they knew the truth, and the truth made them free indeed; and they walked in the glorious liberty of the sons of God

 We should walk in the PROFESSION of the truth. If we know the joyful sound, so as to be blessed by it, we shall feel this yoke easy, and this burden light. We shall not act to be seen of men; but we shall have no objection that men should see us. Praise will not draw us out of a corner; and fear will not drive us into one. We shall be willing for all to know that we are not our own, but his who bought us with a price; and that we are not only bound, but determined to glorify Him in our bodies and spirits.– William Jay, England (1769-1853)

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

May 26th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..… Brethren, Let Us Mind The Same Thing – Philippians 3:8-

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………….……… Gracious Words / Hated Words – Luke 4:14-32

*** Remember our dear brethren who are suffering. There are many.

Birthdays: May 29th – Jeanette Berry, June 2nd – Charles Hudson, 17th – Sandy Parks, 22nd – Nancy Parks

Cleaning: John & Irene

** The following article is a little difficult to read in parts, but well worth careful reading. It will be a blessing to you.

Without Christ, We Can Do Nothing

Nothing is stronger than humility, that goeth out of itself; or weaker than pride, that resteth upon its own bottom, and this should the rather be observed because naturally we affect a kind of divinity, in setting upon actions in the strength of our own parts; whereas Christ saith,”Without me ye,’ apostles that are in a state of grace, ‘can do nothing (John 15:5). He doth not say you can do a little, but nothing! Of ourselves, how easily are we overcome! How weak to resist! We are as reeds shaken with every wind; we shake at the very noise and thought of poverty, disgrace, losses, &c., we give in presently, we have no power over our eyes, tongues, thoughts, affections, but let sin pass in and out. How soon are we overcome of evil! Whereas we should overcome evil with good. How many good purposes stick in the birth, and have no strength to come forth! All which shows how nothing we are without the Spirit of Christ. We see how weak the apostles themselves were, till they were endued with strength from above, (Mt.26:69). Peter blasted with the speech of a damsel, but after the Spirit of Christ fell upon them, the more they suffered, the more they were encouraged to suffer; their comforts grew with their troubles; therefore in all, especially difficult encounters, let us lift up our hearts to Christ, Who hath Spirit enough for us all, in all our distresses, and say with good Jehoshaphat, “Lord, we know not what to do, but our eyes are toward Thee,” (2 Chr.20:12); the battle is Thine, and the strength whereby we fight must be Thine. If Thou goest not out with us, we are sure to be foiled. Satan knows nothing can prevail against Christ, or those that rely upon His power; therefore Satan’s work is how to keep us in ourselves, and in the creature: but we must carry this always in our minds, that that which is begun in self-confidence will end in shame. The manner of Christ’s bringing forth judgment to victory, is by letting us see a necessity of dependence upon Him; hence proceed those spiritual desertions wherein He often leaveth us to ourselves, both in regard of grace and comfort, that we may know the spring head of these to be out or ourselves. Hence it is that in the mount, that is, in extremities, God is most seen, (Gen.22:13). Hence it is that we are saved by the grace of faith, that carrieth us out of ourselves to rely upon Another; and that faith worketh best alone, when it hath least outward support. Hence it is, that we often fail in lesser conflicts, and stand out in greater, because in lesser we rest more in ourselves, in greater we fly to the Rock of our salvation, which is higher than we (Ps.56:2). Hence likewise it is, that we are stronger after foils (defeats), because hidden corruption, undiscerned before, in now discovered, and thence we are brought to make use of mercy pardoning and power supporting. – Robert Trail, Scotland, 1642-1716

How We Know Our Gospel is THE Gospel

  1. The Source of it - God. It is God’s Gospel and so THE Gospel.

  2. The Subject of it – God’s Son. Jesus Christ is THE Gospel. It is all about Him.

  3. The Sovereignty of it – God saves whom He will, because He will, by His will; by His sovereign will and power.

  4. The Subjects of it – Christ came to save sinners. THE Gospel is good news for sinners, and sinners only.

  5. The Success of it – THE Gospel saves! THE Gospel justifies, sanctifies, regenerates. It saves and keeps saved.

  6. The Suffering of it – Those who believe and declare THE Gospel will suffer persecution for doing so.

  7. The Need of it – THE Gospel meets the need of every poor and needy sinner . . . their every need.

  8. The Glory of it – THE Gospel takes a beggar from the dunghill to sit Him with the King in Glory!

We Are Still Human

Any man or woman who claims continual, uninterrupted joy, rest, and peace in this world is either not telling the truth or has no connection with reality! True joy, rest, and peace are things we enjoy in Christ in the midst of troubles, afflictions. and infirmities.

Paul's exhortation was "rejoice in the Lord." When I am conscious of my weakness, failures, and sins, I rejoice in Christ, my righteousness. When I am concerned about food, clothing, and shelter, I rejoice in Christ, my provider. When I am sick, Christ is my healer. When I am grieved, Christ is my comfort. When I am faced with death, Christ is my life! So it is not necessary to put on a false face and deceive others. We are still human; but our peace, rest, and joy is Christ. – Henry Mahan

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

June 16th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..………….. The Most Pressing Matter – Philippians 3:12-21

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………………… The Great Fisher of Men – Luke 5:1-11

Tuesday Night Service at 7:00 pm

*** The Lord willing, Dan and Sandy Parks will be with us this week. Tuesday night service, with Daniel speaking. Birthdays: June 22nd – Nancy Parks (80th) 23rd – James Holland, 24th – Patrick Holland, 25th – Walter Groover

Cleaning: Steven & Mary, Next week: Mac & Margaret / / / Nursery: Helen / Kathryn

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Here are two good articles on the small things of God’s providence—

The Day of Small Things -- Zechariah 4:10

God delivered a nation from 400 years of bondage with a shepherd’s staff. He slew a giant and saved that nation with a sling and a stone. He turned the world upside down with eleven simple, plain men – and the illustrations that “Little is great when God is in it” are numberless, but we must not just apply this truth to the instrument God uses, but should apply it also to the task. It is true that God uses humble men to perform great works for His glory – but God also uses His servants to teach the little children, to pastor the small assembly, to witness to one Ethiopian, to offer a prayer, to provide an unrecognized and often an unknown service! Most of us are willing to be “humble men” doing great works, but how many of us “great men” are willing to do humble work?

It is most doubtful that our Lord will trust us with any great responsibility until it has been proven that we are faithful in few things! It has been my understanding from the Scriptures that those whom God trusted with great responsibility were content with where they were and with what they were doing. Examples: Moses, David and Joseph. It would be refreshing, instead of hearing what one used to do or what one plans to do and be, to see one dedicated to being what he is and doing with joy and zeal what is at hand! Christ may come today and I could die today, but I’m not sure that He would accept my explanation that I was preparing myself for great things and would have been a teacher if there had been an opening, or a pastor if there had been a church available, or a martyr if men had still been dying, a deacon, an elder, or a church leader after I had aged a bit. Would He? Or would He ask, “What servant chooses his own task? His own place of labor? His own time of service?” Does not the faithful servant ask, “Lord, what would you have me to do?” Everybody wants to take the floor, few care to sweep it. The returning prodigal did not labor as a hired servant, but he was willing. -- Henry Mahan

There is nothing really small in human life. We start out in the morning, and what we may call a chance meeting, or the receipt of an ordinary letter, or some very slight circumstance may affect the whole of the subsequent life of quite a number of people. We call this the providence of God, and we do well; and the true Christian heart will always love to trace the hand of God in the ordinary experiences of life. For, after all, “ordinary” means “ordered” and it is the joy of the believer to realize that everything is ordered and that “all things work together for good to them that love God.” The harmonious and beneficent combination of circumstances guided and overruled by the wisdom and will of God constitutes for the Christian soul the joy and cheer of everyday living. – unknown

Christ is our life in death, our light in darkness, our righteousness in sinfulness and guilt, our holiness in impurity, our redemption in all our miseries.” – Richard Sibbes, England – 1577-1635

Tenderness of heart is wrought by an apprehension of tenderness and love in Christ. A soft heart is made soft by the blood of Christ. – Sibbes

The life of a Christian is wondrously ruled in this world by the consideration and meditation of the life of another world.” – Sibbes

A weak faith can lay hold on a strong Christ.”  ― Thomas Watson, England – 1620-1686

No flattery can heal a bad conscience, so no slander can hurt a good one.”  -- Watson

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

June 23rd 2019

9:30 am ……………………….…………………………..………………………………….…. Our Conversation – Philippians 3:15-21

10:00 am ……………………….………………..……………………………………….………………… Lord, If Thou Wilt – Luke 5:12

*** Lord willing, I will be preaching in New Castle, Indiana next Sunday. Bob Coffey from Kingsport will be preaching here.

That Worthy Name!”James 2:7

"Yours in the name of Jesus." How many who owe their all, both for time and eternity, to the peerless One, refer thus to Him who was "God manifest in the flesh" (1 Tim.3:16). It is "Jesus" this, and "Jesus" that. is it becoming for worms of the dust, for sinners, even for sinners saved by grace, to thus speak of Him? Jesus is the Lord of Glory, and surely it is due the dignity and majesty of His person that this be recognized and owned, even in our reference to Him in common speech. Those who despise and reject the Savior, speak of Him as "The Carpenter," "The Nazarene," as "Jesus." But should those who have been given an "understanding, that we may know Him that is true" (1 John 5:20), ignore His Lordship? In a word, can we who have been redeemed by His precious blood do less than confess Him as the Lord Jesus Christ? In John 13:13 we find Him saying, "You call Me Master and Lord: and you say well; for so I am." Surely this is enough for the believer. If our blessed Redeemer declares we "say well" when we call Him "Master and Lord," can we afford to speak of Him in terms on which His approval is not stamped? Never once do we find any of the apostles addressing Him as "Jesus" while He was with them on the earth. When He exhorted them to make request for an increase of laborers, He bade them "Pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest" (Matthew 9:38). When He sent forth the disciples to secure the donkey on which He was to ride into Jerusalem, He ordered them to say: "The Lord has need of him" (Lk. 19:31). And again when He required the use of the upper room, it was, "The Master says, My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover at your house with My disciples" (Matt.26:18). It may be objected to what we have contended for above that the Gospel narratives commonly refer to our Lord simply as "Jesus." It was "Jesus" who was led of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. It was "Jesus" who was moved with compassion as He beheld the sufferings and sorrows of humanity. It was "Jesus" who cleansed the leper, healed the sick, and raised the dead. This is true, and the explanation is not far to seek. It was the Holy Spirit of God who, through the pens of the evangelists, thus refers to Him, and this makes all the difference. Let us illustrate. What would be thought of one of the subjects of King George the fifth, referring to the reigning monarch of Great Britain and saying, "I saw George pass through the city this morning"? If then it would be entirely incongruous (inappropriate) for one of his subjects to speak thus of the King of England, how much more is it to refer to the King of kings simply as "Jesus"? But now, King George's wife could refer to and speak of her husband as "George" with perfect propriety. Thus it is that the Holy Spirit in the Gospel narrative refers to our Lord by His personal name. Once more "Jesus" was the name of our Lord in humiliation. Said the angel to Joseph, "You shall call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matt.1:21), and in order to save His people from their sins He had to die the death of the cross. But it is to be noted that when Peter addressed the Jews on the day of Pentecost, he said, "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God has made that same Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ " (Acts 2:36). Hence it is that the Savior is referred to as Christ, Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ, or Lord Jesus Christ, and never simply as "Jesus" except when reference is made (either direct, by way of implication, or in contrast) to His humiliation and suffering. Our modern hymns are largely responsible for the dishonor that is now so generally cast upon "That Worthy Name." And we cannot but raise our voice in loud protest against much of the trash (for that is the correct term) that today masquerades under the name of hymns and religious songs. It is sad and shocking to find professing Christians singing, "A little talk with Jesus makes it right." Fancy saying, "A little talk with God makes it right!" and yet Jesus was and is "God blessed forever" (Rom.9:5). Such unseemly familiarity as "a little talk" with "The mighty God" is horrible. "There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus" is utterly erroneous, and near akin to blasphemy. There is no "lowly" Jesus today, except the one created by the imagination and sentimentality of the moderns. Instead of being "lowly," the Lord Jesus Christ is seated "on the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Heb.1:3), from whence He will shortly descend in flaming fire to take vengeance on them that know not God and obey not His Gospel (2 Thess.1:7,8). Above we have said that the apostles never once addressed our Lord simply as "Jesus." Mark, now, how they did refer to the Blessed One. "And Peter answered Him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?" (Matt.18:21). "And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto Him, Lord, is it I?" (Matthew 26:22). "And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, will You that we command fire to come down from Heaven, and consume them?" (Lk.9:54). "And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them, saying, the Lord is risen indeed" (Lk.24:33-34). "Thomas said unto Him, Lord, we know not where You go" (John 14:5). "Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said unto Peter, "It is the Lord" (John 21:7). In marked contrast with the manner in which the apostles referred to and spoke of their Lord, note how others, particularly His enemies, referred to Him: "And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee" (Matt.21:11). "And hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant. And they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth passes by" (Luke 18:36-37). "And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with You, You Jesus of Nazareth" (Mark 1:23-24). "And when he was gone out into the porch, another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth" (Matt.26:71). Christian reader: Will you refer to and speak of the Son of God as did His enemies and the demons, namely, as "Jesus," or will you call Him "Master and Lord" as did the apostles, concerning whom He said: "You say well?" Let us ask God to deliver us from this flippant, careless, irreverent manner of confessing His Son. Let us own our Savior as "Lord" during the time of His rejection by the world. Let us remember His words, "For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son: That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father" (John 5:22-23). Let us remember it is written, "For by our words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned" (Matt.12:37). – Arthur Pink (1886-1952

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

June 30th 2019

9:30 am Bible Study

10:00 am Message ………………………………………………………………..…. Messages by Brother Robert Coffey

** We welcome back Bob Coffey to the pulpit. Brother Bob comes to us from Kingsport Sovereign Grace Church and will be bringing both messages today. I am preaching for Sovereign Grace Church of New Castle, Indiana, Bruce Crabtree.

Birthdays: July 6th – Winna Groover, 7th – Sharon Polk, 9th – Margaret Torrence, 12th – JohnThomas Polk

Cleaning: Ogles, Next Week: Mahans / / / Nursery: Jill / Hope

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Preacher’s Job Description – by Allan Jellett, Knebworth, England

This world of sin and rebellion against the one true God is heading for certain judgment. God’s Word declares again and again that the end is coming when all sin and rebellion shall be put down and God’s kingdom of peace and righteousness shall reign unchallenged and supreme. To that end God has determined from before the beginning of time to save a multitude of sinners from certain, just, condemnation by the Christ of God coming into the world to satisfy the justice of God. He did this on the cross at Calvary by being made the sin of all the multitude that God in sovereign grace chose (his elect), and suffering its just penalty by dying and shedding his blood. The elect of God, this multitude of God’s chosen people, has been thereby justified by virtue of their union with Christ from eternity based on the certainty of his coming and succeeding in his mission; speaking of him, Isaiah42:4 promised confidently that “He shall not fail”.

But, as they are born and grow into adults, God’s elect are indistinguishable from all other people. They are equally sinners in the flesh deserving of the same just condemnation. How will they come into the good of that sovereign grace of God that will bring them to eternal glory and the ‘kingdom promised before the foundation of the world’? It is by preaching. God calls and equips men of his choosing to declare publicly the salvation from sin that he has accomplished in the doing and dying of Jesus Christ. The preacher’s task is defined throughout scripture but nowhere more clearly than in Isaiah 40. He is to be utterly dedicated to lifting up Christ in his preaching, to declaring the satisfaction to the justice of God that he has made for the elect in his death, to comforting God’s people with the good news of sins forgiven and eternal glory secured. This is how “it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe” (1Cor1:21).

But the power (to accomplish salvation) is not in the preacher but in God. The gospel to be preached is “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans1:16). He, by his Holy Spirit, is the one who gives new life to the spiritually dead sinner. And they show that they are among the elect whom Christ redeemed, the ones “ordained to eternal life” (Acts13:48), because they are the ones who believe the true gospel message when they hear it preached (2Thess2:13).

The gospel is not an offer to all in the hope that some can be persuaded to believe, nor is a preacher a salesman using the methods of commercial selling to recruit ‘disciples’ as so many seem to think; rather, it is a declaration of salvation accomplished; but the effectual call, the life-giving power, is all in the sovereign gift of God. The preacher has implemented his divinely-given job specification when he has faithfully declared the ‘whole counsel of God’ which is ‘Christ and him crucified’, irrespective of whether many, few, or even none respond to it.

What A Mystery Are You! -- "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. Rom. 7:21

Believer, are you not often a mystery to yourself? Warm one moment—cold the next! Abasing yourself one hour— exalting yourself the following! Loving the world, full of it, steeped up to your head in it today—crying, groaning, and sighing for a sweet manifestation of the love of God tomorrow! Brought down to nothingness, covered with shame and confusion, on your knees before you leave your room—filled with pride and self importance before you have got down stairs! Despising the world, and willing to give it all up for one taste of the love of the Lord Jesus when in solitude—trying to grasp it with both hands when in business! What a mystery are you! Touched by love—and stung with hatred! Possessing a little wisdom—and a great deal of folly! Earthly minded—and yet having the affections in heaven! Pressing forward—and lagging behind! Full of sloth—and yet taking the kingdom with violence! And thus the Spirit, by a process which we may feel but cannot adequately describe—leads us into the mystery of the two natures perpetually struggling and striving against each other in the same bosom. So that one man cannot more differ from another, than the same man differs from himself. But the mystery of the kingdom of heaven is this— that our carnal mind undergoes no alteration, but maintains a perpetual war with grace. And thus, the deeper we sink in self abasement under a sense of our vileness, the higher we rise in a knowledge of Christ, and the blacker we are in our own view—the more lovely does the Lord Jesus appear. – J.C. Philpot

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

July 7th 2019

9:30 am …………………….……………………………..…. A Good Report (a review) – Philippians 4:8/Hebrews 11:39

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………… Power That is Present To Heal – Luke 5:16-17

Need to hear: ‘Weep Not For Me’- Henry Mahan http://www.sermonaudio.com/jumpto.asp?m=s&k=826101828540

Birthdays: July 7th – Sharon Polk, 9th – Margaret Torrence, 12th – JohnThomas Polk, 14th – Daisy Hudson,

14th – Mary Parks, 22nd – Barbara Ross, 24th – Vikki Patton

Cleaning: Ogles, Next Week: Canterburys / / / Nursery: Aimee / Karen

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

The Awful Departure from the Doctrines of The Gospel – by William Huntington (1845-1813)

Every essential truth that we part with is an infinite loss; and we daily see an awful departure from the doctrines of the gospel. Errors gain ground; and champions for the truth are but few in number when compared to the other host. If thou art a child of God by faith, see to the ground-work of it. Hast thou the faith of God's elect? let election be its basis. Hast thou a justifying faith? let imputed righteousness be its basis. Hast thou a victorious faith? thy victory lies in a Saviour's arms. Hast thou a purifying faith? then faith fetches its purifying efficacy from a Saviour's blood. Give up none of these truths; for, if we think truth is not worth contending for, we may expect the Spirit to clap his wings, and take his flight from us. You read of a bird of the air carrying a voice, and of that which hath wings declaring a matter; and woe to our souls when God departs from us. But, if thou canst not digest the doctrines herein contained, thou must wait till the day of doom, when the gospel net will be drawn to the end of time-its last shore-and then thou shalt see all Adam's offspring assembled in a valley called "the valley of decision;"perhaps so called because the Lord will decide the long controversy between the children of God and the children of the flesh, about the doctrines of sovereign grace and those of fallen nature; "Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe; get ye down, for the press is full, the fats overflow, for their wickedness is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision; for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision," Joel, iii. 13, 14. I know a controversial writer is always deemed to be in his own spirit: however, God "hath a controversy with the nations," Jer. xxv. 31; and his ministers "shall teach his people the difference between the holy and the profane; and in controversy they shall stand in judgment," Ezek. xliv. 23, 24. God's decree shall not always be called horrible, nor an everlasting righteousness be called ‘imputed nonsense’ (as John Wesley called it). Vindictive justice shall avenge the quarrel of sovereign mercy, so soon as old Time shall bring on "the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion," Isa. xxxiv. 8. What thou hast to say against the truths herein contained will cause but little trouble to me; God's approbation, and the testimony of a good conscience, are sufficient to support any faithful servant of the Lord under the scourge of tongues.

Salvation Only Suits the Condemned – by J.C. Philpot (1802-1869)

"Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation." -- Psalm 106:4

How is a man brought and taught to want to be "visited with" God's salvation? He must know something first of condemnation. Salvation only suits the condemned. "The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost;" and therefore salvation only suits the lost. A man must be lost— utterly lost—before he can prize God's salvation. And how is he lost? By losing all his religion, losing all his righteousness, losing all his strength, losing all his confidence, losing all his hopes, losing all that is of the flesh; losing it by its being taken from him, and stripped away by the hand of God. A man who is brought into this state of utter beggary and complete bankruptcy—to be nothing, to have nothing, to know nothing—he is the man, who in the midnight watches, in his lonely hours, by his fireside, and at times, well-nigh night and day, is crying, groaning, begging, suing, seeking, and praying after the manifestation of God's salvation to his soul. "O visit me with thy salvation." He wants a visit from God; he wants God to come and dwell with him, take up his abode in his heart, discover himself to him, manifest and reveal himself, sit down with him, eat with him, walk with him, and dwell in him as his God. And a living soul can be satisfied with nothing short of this. He must have a visit. It profits him little to read in the word of God what God did to his saints of old; he wants something for himself, something that shall do his soul good; he wants something that shall cheer, refresh, comfort, bless, and profit him, remove his burdens, and settle his soul into peace. And therefore he wants a visitation—that the presence and power, the mercy and the love of God should visit his soul.

 “ Peace if possible, but TRUTH at any rate.” – Martin Luther

Long ago I ceased to count heads. TRUTH is usually in the minority in this evil world.” – Charles Spurgeon

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

July 14th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….………………………..……………. Learning To Be Content – Philippians 4:10-19

10:00 am ……………………….……..…………………..……. And, Behold . . . A Sinner Forgiven! – Luke 5:18-26

Wednesday: 7:00 pm …………………………………..… A Dedication, a Salute & a Prayer – Philippians 4:20-23

Need to Hear - “Let’s Talk About Dying” – by Henry Mahan http://www.sermonaudio.com/jumpto.asp?m=s&k=2706175937

Birthdays: 14th – Daisy Hudson, 14th – Mary Parks, 22nd – Barbara Ross, 24th – Vikki Patton

Cleaning: Canterburys - Next Week: Polks / / / Nursery:

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Satan loves to fish in the troubled waters of a discontented heart.”  ― Thomas Watson

Unless we deny our own will, we shall never do God’s will.”  ― Thomas Watson

A Love That Overcomes

Now abideth faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love”– 1 Corinthians 13:13

Nothing will avail to bring us together to overcome our natural envy, jealousy, and misunderstanding if love is missing. “Love believeth all things, beareth all things, hopeth all things, and endureth all things. Love never fails.” Brethren, let us love one another, for love is of God. – Henry Mahan

God shall supply

"And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."– Philippians 4:19

Until we are brought into the depths of poverty, we shall never know nor value Christ's riches. If, then, you are a child of God, a poor and needy soul, a tempted and tried believer in Christ—God shall supply all your needs! They may be very great. It may seem to you, sometimes, as though there were not upon all the face of the earth such a wretch as you—as though there never could be a child of God in your state—so dark, so stupid, so blind and ignorant, so proud and worldly, so presumptuous and hypocritical, so continually backsliding after idols, so continually doing things that you know are hateful in God's sight. But whatever your need be—it is not beyond the reach of divine supply! And the deeper your need, the more is Jesus glorified in supplying it. Do not say then, that your case is too bad—your needs are too many—your perplexities too great—your temptations too powerful. No case can be too bad! No temptations can be too powerful! No sin can be too black! No perplexity can be too hard! No state in which the soul can get, is beyond the reach of the almighty and compassionate love, that burns in the bosom of the Redeemer! – J.C. Philpot

I Will and They Shall

God’s word is full of; “I Will and They Shall”. The man of sin who has proudly set himself on the throne of God reverses the order. Man says, “I will have faith, and God shall save me”. God says, “I will save you, and you shall have faith”. Man says, “I will repent, and God shall forgive me”. God says, “I will forgive you, and you shall repent”. Man says, “I will serve God, and He shall bless me”. God says, “I will bless you, and you shall serve me”. God’s “I WILLS” is His purpose, and God’s “THEY SHALLS” is His performance. What He has purposed, He shall also perform.-- Greg Elmquist

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

July 21st 2019

9:30 am Bible Study & 10:00 am Message ………………..……………………………..…… Messages by Mike Walker


Need to Hear: ‘She Hath Done What She Could’– Mike Walker


Welcome . . . Mike & Sandy Walker! We are glad to have brother Mike Walker back to preach to us today. Brother Walker is pastor of Millsite Baptist Church, Cottageville, West Virginia. I am preaching in the Bible Conference being held by Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Princeton, New Jersey, Clay Curtis, pastor. No Wednesday service this week.

Birthdays: July 22nd – Barbara Ross, 24th – Vikki Patton, August: 1st – Joseph Parks

August 2nd – Doris Mahan & Tom Canterbury, 4th – Laura Bobbitt, 6th – Abigail Hudson, 7th – Bonnie Stanley

Cleaning: Polks, Next Week: Pendrys / / / Nursery: Helen / Kathryn

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." -- Colossians 3:16

This surely means something more than merely reading the word in a careless, formal manner. It is "to dwell in us," that is, take up its firm and lasting abode in our heart, and that "richly;" not poorly and niggardly, but copiously and abundantly, unfolding to us and putting us into possession of the wealth of its treasures; and that in "all wisdom," making us wise to salvation, opening up to us the manifold wisdom of God, and how it displays itself in the great mystery of godliness. Now we shall not attain to this rich and heavenly wisdom unless we search and study the Scriptures with prayer and supplication to understand what the Holy Ghost has revealed therein, and what he is pleased to unfold therefrom of the will and way of God for our own personal instruction and consolation. We very easily fall off from abiding in Christ; nor can we expect to keep up sensible union and communion with the Lord Jesus if we neglect those means of grace which the Holy Ghost has provided for the sustentation of the life of God in the soul. When we get cold, sluggish, and dead, to read the word of God is a task and a burden; but not so, when the life of God is warm and gushing in the soul. Then, to read his holy word with prayer and supplication, entering by faith into its hidden treasures, and drinking into the mind of Christ as revealed therein, is a blessed means of maintaining the life of God in the heart, and keeping up union and communion with Christ. – J.C. Philpot

That I May Know Him– By Mike Walker

 Before the Apostle Paul’s conversion, he knew the law, he knew the traditions, and he thought he knew God. But when the Lord crossed his path on the Damascus Road, and revealed himself to Paul, then he found out who Christ is. He was never the same. And from that day forward Paul’s aim and desire was to know more about the one who knew him. It was all about knowing a person, not just knowing a doctrine. 2 Timothy 1:12 I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Paul was not afraid to preach the one he knew, he was not ashamed of him, because the one He knew was not ashamed of him. This gave him a boldness to preach his Gospel, and he wanted others to know this one that he knew. Romans 1:16 -- For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 

In the new birth there is nothing changed in the flesh…it is still sinful flesh. But in that same new birth, there is an imparted new man born from heaven that is holy and does not sin. – Marvin Stalnaker


It was by the ear, by our first parents listening to the serpent, that we lost paradise; and it is by the ear, by hearing of the Word, that we get to heaven. “Hear, and your souls shall live.” (Isaiah 55:3). – Thomas Watson


I once heard a poor woman when dying say: “I believe God’s Word, and am persuaded, notwithstanding my unworthiness and guilt, that my Lord Jesus will save me from my sins and sorrow and bring me home to Himself; and if He does, He will never hear the last of it!”  -- John Newton 

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

July 28th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..………………………..…... The Word of Life – 1 John 1:1-4

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..………………....…… Christ Calling the Sick & Sinful – Luke 5:27-32

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ………………………………………….……… Confession and Forgiveness of Sins – 1 John 1:5-10

Birthdays: August 1st – Joseph Parks, 2nd – Doris Mahan & Tom Canterbury, 4th – Laura Bobbitt, 6th – Abby Hudson

Cleaning: Pendrys, Next Week: Fannins Nursery: Teresa / Elizabeth

Need to Hear: ‘The Final Separation', Matt. 25’– John Chapman


Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

The Suffering and Affliction of the Saints – by J.C. Philpot

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." --2 Corinthians 4:17

O ye suffering saints of God! ye tried and afflicted children of the most High! Raise up your thoughts as God may enable you—lift up your eyes, and see what awaits you. Are you tried, tempted, exercised, and afflicted? It is your mercy. God does not deal so with every one. It is because you are his children, that he lays on you his chastening hand. He means to conform you to the image of his Son in glory, and therefore he now conforms you to the image of his Son in suffering. 'O but,' you say, 'I cannot believe it is so!' No; if you could, it would not be much of a trial. This is the trial of faith—to go groaning on, struggling on, sorrowing on, sighing on; believing against unbelief, hoping against hope; and still looking to the Lord, though there is everything in nature to damp the hopes and expectations of your waiting souls. Yet all will end well with the people of God. Their life here is a life of temptation, of suffering and trial; but heaven will make amends for all. And if our faith is now tried as "with fire," it will one day "be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." In that day when the secrets of all hearts will be brought to light, the faith of thousands will be found to be little else than presumption; but the faith of God's dear family will then be crowned with "praise and honour and glory;" and they shall see the Lamb as he is face to face, when all tears are wiped away from all faces.

The Effects of Sin

To fall into sin is a serious thing, even though the guilt of it be forgiven. A boy who had often been disobedient was made by his father to drive a nail into a post for each offense. When he was well-behaved for a day he was allowed to draw out one of the nails. He fought against his temper bravely, and at last all the nails were gone from the post, and his father praised him. "Alas, father," said the lad, "the nails are all gone, but the holes are left!" Even after forgiveness it will require a miracle of grace to recover us from the ill effects of sin.– unknown

Growing Up To One’s Name – by John Chapman

In the Old Testament children were given names that meant something. Their parents hoped that the child would grow up to its name. There is one who truly grew up to his name, Jesus Christ. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

Not one person for whom Jesus Christ died shall perish.

Open Thy Mouth Wide, and I Will Fill It – Psalm 81:10

If you have a dog, cat, or other animals, if like me, you enjoy feeding them. It gives me great pleasure to feed the animals or the little birds, and watch their delight in eating. Only thing I love more is feeding the Word to those who love it and hunger for it.

If I really believe that I am the ‘chief of sinners’, it should be no problem for me to forgive someone who is less sinful than me. Paul, the apostle who said this of himself, was very compassionate, understanding and forgiving of his ‘brethren’, the Pharisees, for he had been just like them . . . hating those who preached the Truth that he came to love and preach himself. God grant us the heartfelt love and concern for others that he had . . . even wishing himself accursed for his brethren (Rom.9:3).

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

August 4th 2019

9:30 am …………………….……………………………..…………... New Garment, New Wine, Old Wine – Luke 5:33-39

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………….….… Confession and Forgiveness of Sins – 1 John 1:5-10

Wednesday: 7:00 pm …………………………………………………………..…… The Sinner’s Advocate – 1 John 2:1-2

Message to hear: By Bruce Crabtree - https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=628079306

Birthdays: August 4th – Laura Bobbitt, 6th – Abigail Hudson, 7th – Bonnie Stanley, 13th – John Sheesley II

Cleaning: Fannins, Next week: Sheesleys / / / Nursery: Debra / Hope

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Be Thus Minded – Philippians 3:15-16 (from Henry Mahan’s Bible Commentaries)

v. 15. ‘Let all of us who are spiritually mature (who are taught of God) have this same mind and hold these same convictions:

1. To count all heritage, ceremony, tradition and works of religion as rubbish that we may win Christ and be found in him.

2. To be willing to suffer the loss of all things for a knowledge of Christ.

3. To disclaim perfection in ourselves, but to aim for it.

4. To desire to be found in him, having his righteousness.

5. To desire above all things to be like Christ and press forward in perseverance to attain that incorruptible crown.’

v. 16. Nevertheless, whatever degree of the knowledge of Christ and the truth of the gospel and the light we have received, let us walk therein! As we walk in the light that God gives us, he will give more light.

Here I raise my Ebenezer;

Hither by thy help I'm come.”

My spiritual growth may be slow, even discouraging. Sometimes I may feel that I am standing still. But I know that God has revealed Christ in me, and I know whom I have believed. I will hold fast to this until he reveals more of himself.

The Jesus Men Do Not HateBy Todd Nibert

When Christ walked upon this earth, men hated Him. Does not the cross speak loudly of how men hated the Christ? But there is a Jesus men do not hate. It is the Jesus that men believe they can control. The one whose will can be thwarted by our will. The one whom men can accept or reject. The one who cannot save unless we of our own free will allow Him to save us. Nobody hates a Jesus they can control. The problem is - that Jesus is an idol invented by men to take the place of the Lord Jesus Christ that they hate. He is the One who has sovereign control over all. The One over whom men have no control. The Lord Jesus Christ, in whose hand all men are. The One who can accept or reject us. This Jesus men hate because they see no safety in salvation being in His hands. But in reality, the only place of safety is in the hands of the sovereign Christ.

My Groaning!

"Lord, all my desire is before Thee; and my groaning is not hid from Thee." Psalm 38:9

The Lord's people are very subject to carnality, darkness, hardness, deadness, barrenness, and lukewarmness. And sometimes there seems to be only just so much life in their souls as to feel these things—and groan under them. Under these feelings, therefore, they cry to the Lord—they cannot bear that carnality and darkness, barrenness and death—which seems to have taken possession of them. They come with these burdens to the throne of grace, beseeching the Lord to revive His work in their hearts. What is implied in the expression, 'my groaning'? Do we not groan under a sense of pain? It is the most natural expression of our feelings when we are under acute suffering. The woman in travail of childbirth—the patient under the keen knife of the surgeon—the man afflicted with some painful internal disease— can only give vent to their distressing feelings by groaning. And is it not so spiritually? When the Lord's people groan, it shows there is some painful sensation experienced within them—and these painful feelings they can only express by groaning aloud before the footstool of mercy! – J.C. Philpot

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street   Rocky Mount, Virginia

  Website: www.centralgracechurch.com    Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com 

August 11th 2019

  9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..………………………….... Lord of the Sabbath – Luke 6:1-5

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………………………. The Sinner’s Advocate – 1 John 2:1-2

F  Message to Hear: by Henry Mahan   https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=111605322

Birthdays:  August 13th – John Sheesley II,  20th – Madelyn Holland,  31st – Roberta Sword & Betty Hodges  

Cleaning:   Sheesleys,  Next Week:  Berrys  /  /  /   Nursery:  Jill / Karen,  Wednesday: Irene


F LADIES:  Please double check the nursery schedule to see if it is your turn.  If you cannot make it, please secure a replacement.  Thank you for this needful service. It is ‘unto the Lord’ and for the benefit of all.


F Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

F Listen to:  WYTI  Radio  – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM



These Things Write I Unto You, That Ye Sin Not – 1 John 2:1 (From Henry Mahan’s Commentary)


v.1. ‘My little children.’ This general epistle is addressed to all believers. ‘I write unto you that you sin not.’ John does not hold out the possibility that any man can be totally free from sin. This would be contrary to his own words in 1 John 1:8-10 and contrary to all scripture.  But he is saying, ‘I write this epistle to you that you might not live in sin, indulge the flesh, walk in disobedience and behave like the world of unregenerate men.’ The will of God is our sanctification (1 Thess.4:3) and holiness in spirit, word and deed.  The true grace of God in a man’s heart does not condone or excuse his sin, but condemns it and gives him a continuous desire to be like Christ and glorify his Lord.  True believers mourn their sins, confess them and seek to avoid them. ‘And if any man sin . . .’ — as every man does, even every one that walks in light and fellowship with Godbelieves on Christ and is justified by his blood.  As much as we hate sin and see to avoid it, we are still in this flesh and in this world (Rom. 7:18-25). Under no circumstances does a believer excuse sin, justify it, or permit it to go unjudged and unconfessed simply because it is atoned for by Christ. But we do have an Advocate with the Father, a great High Priest, who makes intercession for us, pleads for us whose sins have been laid on him and has made full satisfaction for them; therefore, our sins should not be laid to our charge. He is the Advocate ‘with the Father,’ against whom all sin is committed and to whom satisfaction is made. Christ is the only Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5). He is Jesus Christ the righteous! It is his righteousness that is imputed to us (Rom. 5:19; 10:4; 8:31-34; 2 Cor. 5:21).



Christ’s Righteousness – by Thomas Brooks, England, 1594-1667


  Christ’s righteousness is that garment of wrought gold that we all need to cover all our imperfections and to render us perfectly beautiful and glorious in the sight of God. In this robe of righteousness we are complete, we are without spot or wrinkle,  we are without fault before the throne of God. Through the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, we are made righteous in the sight of God. God looking upon us, as invested with the righteousness of His Son, accounts us righteous.  All believers have a righteousness in Christ as full and complete as if they had fulfilled the Law. “Christ being the end of the law for righteousness to believers” (Rom 10:4).  Christ invests believers with a righteousness every way as complete as the personal obedience of the Law would have invested them withal. When men had violated God’s holy Law, God in justice resolved that His Law should be satisfied before man should be saved.  Now this was done by Christ, Who was the end of the Law. He fulfilled it actively and passively, and so the injury offered to the Law is recompensed. God had rather that all men should be destroyed, than that His Law should not be satisfied. No man can perfectly be justified in the sight of God without a perfect righteousness, every way commensurable to God’s holy Law, which is the rule of righteousness. Neither can any person have any choice, spiritual, lively communion with a righteous God, until he be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. All Christ’s active and passive obedience was either for Himself or in our stead and behalf. But it was not for Himself, but for us that He suffered and obeyed. Whatsoever Christ did or suffered in the whole course of His life, He did it and suffered it as our Surety and in our steads: for as God would not dispense with the penalty of the Law without satisfaction, so He would not dispense with the commands of the Law without perfect obedience.  Remember, once for all, that the actions and sufferings of Christ make up but one entire and perfect obedience to the whole Law; nor had Christ been a perfect and complete Savior, if He had not performed what the Law required, as well as suffered the penalty which the Law inflicted. The imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us is a gracious act of God the Father, according to His good will and pleasure, whereby as a judge He accounts believers’ sins unto the Surety, as if He had committed the same. And the righteousness of Christ unto the believer, as if he had performed the same, the same obedience that Christ did in His own person.  Christ’s imputed righteousness is as effectual to the full, for the acceptance of the believing sinner, as if he had yielded such obedience to the Lord himself. Hence His righteousness is called “our righteousness” (Jer. 23:6). Now without this righteousness there is no standing before the justice of God.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 18th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……………. Knowing and Abiding in Christ – 1 John 2:1-6

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………..… What Happens When Someone is Saved – Acts 2

Message to hear: by Henry Mahan: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=73007225037

Birthdays: August 19th – Doris Mahan, 20th – Madeline Holland, 31st – Roberta Sword & Betty Hodges

Cleaning: Sheesleys - Next Week: Berrys / / / Nursery: Aimee / Margaret -- Wednesday: Vikki

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

The Believer’s Rule of Life – 1 John 2:3-6 - From Henry Mahan’s commentary

Throughout this earthly journey believers struggle with inward sin, doubts, fears, trials and attacks from Satan, and often are heard to say with Newton,

Tis a point I long to know,

Oft it gives me anxious thought

Do I love the Lord or no, Am I his or am I not?

John says, ‘This is how we discern daily by experience that we are coming to know him: if we bear in mind, observe and practice the teachings precepts and words of our Lord Jesus’ words and commandments of Christ in regard to faith, love, forgiveness, humility, works of charity, kindness, giving, witnessing and all that relates to our daily walk’ (1 John 5:3). The love of Christ and the words of Christ are our rule of life.

v.4. The person who says, ‘I know and am acquainted with Christ in a saving interest,’ but has no love for his teachings and commandments, is not telling the truth, and the truth of the gospel is not in him. For if any man be in Christ, he is a new person. He is a bondslave of Christ and his whole life and desire is to become more deeply and personally acquainted with him. This is done through his words and teachings (1 Peter 2:1, 2).

v.5. He who treasures the word of Christ, who bears in mind the precepts, who observes his message in its entirety, in him has the love of God and for God been established and it is reaching maturity. This is the way we know that we are in Christ: we love him, his word, his will, his presence. You cannot separate Christ and his teaching, or Christ and his commandments.

v.6. He that says that he and Christ are one ought to walk as Christ walked, love as Christ loved, forgive as Christ forgave and be humble as Christ was humble! (John 15:4, 5.)

Sin cannot be subdued in any other way – by J.C. Philpot

"The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God." Galatians 2:20

There is no way except by being spiritually immersed into Christ's death and life—that we can ever get a victory over our besetting sins. If, on the one hand, we have a view of a suffering Christ, and thus become immersed into His sufferings and death—the feeling, while it lasts, will subdue the power of sin. Or, on the other hand, if we get a believing view of a risen Christ, and receive supplies of grace out of His fullness—that will lift us above sin's dominion. If sin is powerfully working in us, we need one of these two things to subdue it. When there is a view of the sufferings and sorrows, agonies and death of the Son of God, power comes down to the soul in its struggles against sin and gives it a measure of holy resistance and subduing strength against it. So, when there is a coming in of the grace and love of Christ—it lifts up the soul from the love and power of sin into a purer and holier atmosphere. Sin cannot be subdued in any other way. You must either be immersed into Christ's sufferings and death—or you must be immersed into Christ's resurrection and life. A sight of Him as a suffering God—or a view of Him as a risen Jesus—must be connected with every successful attempt to get the victory over sin, death, hell, and the grave. You may strive, vow, and repent— and what does it all amount to? You sink deeper and deeper into sin than before. Pride, lust, and covetousness come in like a flood—and you are swamped and carried away almost before you are aware! But if you get a view of a suffering Christ, or of a risen Christ—if you get a taste of His dying love—a drop of His atoning blood—or any manifestation of His beauty and blessedness— there comes from this spiritual immersion into His death or His life a subduing power—and this gives a victory over temptation and sin which nothing else can or will give. Yet I believe we are often many years learning this divine secret— striving to repent and reform, and cannot—until at last by divine teaching we come to learn a little of what the Apostle meant when he said, "The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God." And when we can get into this life of faith—this hidden life, then our affections are set on things above. There is no use setting to work by 'legal strivings'—they only plunge you deeper in the ditch. You must get Christ into your soul by the power of God—and then He will subdue—by His smiles, blood, love, and presence—every internal foe.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

August 25th 2019

9:30 am …………….……………………………..…… If We Know Him We Keep His Commandments – 1 John 2:3-11

10:00 am ……………………….…………………………..…… He Came Down and Stood With Them – Luke 6:12-19

Message to Hear: by Mike Walker: Christ Stirreth Up the Nest – tinysa.com/sermon/1023162113554

Birthdays: August 31st – Roberta Sword & Betty Hodges, September 7th – Mindy Mahan (60th), 8th – Mac Torrence (60th)

Cleaning: Berrys, Next Week: Kesses / / / Nursery: Debra / Helen, Wednesday: Mindy

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Love – The Rule Of Life – 1 John 2:7-11 (From Henry Mahan’s Commentary)

v.7. This is referring to what John has written in the preceding verses:

1. Christ is our Advocate with the Father. 2. Christ is our atonement and mercy seat. 3. Those who know God love him and keep his word and commandments, and those who abide in Christ seek to walk as he walked.

This is no new teaching or commandment but dates back to the beginning. We have no new gospel, but the ancient, eternal gospel of God’s grace in Christ, the principles and commandments of which are always the same (Rom. 1:1-3; John 8:56; 5:46).

v.8. John speaks here of brotherly love and refers probably to the words of Christ in John 13:34. This is no new commandment in the sense that it has been recently formulated and brought into existence; Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. His gospel, his law, his teachings are all the same, but this commandment to love one another is:

1. Newly explained by him and purged from the false teachings of the scribes and Pharisees (Matt. 5:21, 27, 38, 43).

2. Newly exemplified by Christ in his love for us;

3. Newly enforced by the argument, ‘How can we love God and not love our brethren? How can we be new creatures in Christ and not be like Christ?’ That which is true in Christ is true in you who are in Christ.

The ‘darkness’ or dimness of the ceremonial law is past and the clear ‘light’ or Christ shines. The darkness of sin and ignorance is past and we have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

vv. 9-11. The person who says that he has been illuminated by the Holy Spirit, has a true knowledge of the gospel and walks in the light of fellowship and union with Christ, yet who hates his brother (by creation, as all men are brothers, or by regeneration, as brothers in Christ) is still in a state of unregeneracy and ignorance. He is still in darkness as far as the gospel is concerned (Matt. 5:43-48). He who loves reveals a work of grace in his heart, for love is of God, not the product of nature (1 John 4:7, 8). Love does not lead to sin as hate does. Love is the rule of life (Rom. 13:8-10; Gal. 5:14) and produces obedience. He reminds us in verse 11 that whatever appearance of excellence or merit we may show, if love is absent, it is all sinful darkness and to no avail (1 Cor. 13:1-3; 1 John 4:7-11)

The Lord Showed Him A Tree

And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree.” -- Exodus 15:25

When Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea out into the wilderness, they went three days journey and found no water. When they came to Marah, they found water, but they could not drink that water because it was bitter (Exodus 15:22-23). God is going to make the waters of this wilderness world in which we live bitter to His children. This is not our home. We are only passing through.

And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he (Moses) cried unto the Lord; and the Lord showed him a tree” (Exodus 15:24-25.) Moses, picturing our Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ, cried unto the Lord as the “mediator” between his God and his people, AND (immediately) “The Lord showed him a tree.” Have you ever cried unto the Lord because you were thirsty? Has God made everything in this wilderness of a world to be “bitter” to you? It is when we cry out of our desperate need for help that God shows us a tree. I refer to the tree seen on Mount Calvary. It is where Christ died the “just for the unjust” to bring chosen sinners to God. (1 Peter 3:18) It is “Christ and Him crucified” that makes everything we drink in this world (wilderness) sweet to the elect of God. Every bitter thing that we experience is made sweet because everything God sends those for whom Christ died, weans them from the wilderness and prepares them for the land of promise.

The tree that God showed Moses at Marah was cut down and cast in the water, and the water was made sweet. Christ, the Tree of Life, and the tree (the pole, the cross) He hung upon, was cut down and cast in the stormy waters of God’s wrath, judgment and justice, and that same water was made sweet to the drink of those who are found IN HIM. Aren’t you thankful that the Lord showed you that Tree? -- David Eddmenson

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

September 1st 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……………………. Love, The Rule of Life : 1 John 2:7-11

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………………………….………. Blessed – Luke 6:20-26

Birthdays: September 7th – Mindy Mahan, 8th – Mac Torrence, 15th – Helen Canterbury & Tom Polk

Cleaning: Kesses, Next week: Andersons / / / Nursery: Aimee / Janine. Wed: Mary P.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Let Sin Break Your Heart But Not Your Hope – From ‘Honey Out of the Rock’ – by Thomas Wilcox. England - 1621-1687

The sun may as well be hindered from rising as Christ the Sun of Righteousness (Mal.4:2). Look not a moment off Christ. Look not upon sin, but look upon Christ first. When you mourn for sin, if you see Christ then, away with it (Zech.12:10). In every duty look at Christ; before duty to pardon; in duty to assist; after duty to accept. Without this it is but carnal, careless duty. Do not legalize the gospel, as if part remained for you to do and suffer, and Christ were but half a Mediator and you must bear part of your own sin, and make part satisfaction. Let sin break your heart, but not your hope in the gospel.

They That Are After The Flesh Do Mind The Things of the Flesh – Romans 8:5

To ‘walk after the flesh’ (v.1) or to ‘live after the flesh’(v.13) (both terms have the same force) is for a person to conduct himself as do all the unregenerate, who are dominated, motivated and actuated by nothing but their fallen nature. To ‘live after the flesh’ refers not to a single act, nor even to a habit or series of acts in one direction; but rather to the whole man being governed and guided by this vile principle. That is the case with ALL who are OUT OF CHRIST: their desires, thoughts, speech and deeds all proceed from this corrupt fount. It is by the flesh that the whole of their souls are set in motion and their entire course steered. All is directed by some fleshly consideration. They act from self, or base principle; they act for self, or base end. The glory of God is nothing to them, the flesh is all in all. -- Arthur Pink

We Preach Christ Crucified” -- 1 Corinthians 1:23

This is the verse which has headed our newsletter from the time we first came to the field upwards of 25 years ago. The reason we chose this text is that we believe it represents the clearest summary of the work of the gospel and the content of the gospel ministry.

Christ crucified is not the primary message of Scripture, nor the central message of Scripture, nor the most significant message of Scripture. It is true we often speak in this way, but Christ crucified is the message of Scripture. This is Paul’s meaning when he states just a little further along, “For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). That is a powerful and dogmatic statement.

  Paul does not mean, of course, that all he taught were messages about the crucifixion. He means that Christ was the heart and the focus of everything he preached, whether it was on the atonement, justification, sanctification, sin, righteousness, regeneration, holiness, the person of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, faith, the life of the believer, or any other topic which he preached as "the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation". (Ephesians 1:13). 

  The Apostle Paul clearly saw this as the chief characteristic of his entire ministry. In Romans 1 when Paul writes, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth,” he means salvation in its fullest and complete sense. He means that the gospel of Christ crucified is the whole counsel of God. The centrality of Christ is brought out clearly in 1 Corinthians 1:30 where we read, “But of him are ye are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” This is the message which under-girds and explains the entire revelation of God in the redemption of his people. 

Paul says of his ministry in Ephesus, “I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God (Acts 20:26). He makes abundantly clear what he means by this statement when he says, “I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.... But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20: 20,21,24). Now we know that Paul did not spend three years in Ephesus preaching only messages on repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus. He says right here that he declared to them the whole counsel of God. Nevertheless, in describing the ministry he received from the Lord and was faithful to execute in his three years in Ephesus, Paul characterizes it as testifying “to the gospel of the grace of God”. This is the message which characterizes the ministry of every gospel preacher.  – Lance Hellar, missionary to New Guinea

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

September 8th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..………… Judge Not, Condemn Not, Forgive – Luke 6:37-45

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………………… Good News For Children – 1 John 2:12

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ……………………………………………………………… Christ, The Solid Rock – Luke 6:46-49

Birthdays: 8th – Mac Torrence, 15th – Helen Canterbury & Tom Polk

Message to Hear: By Gabe Stalnaker -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=13182036386

The Lord willing, Mindy and I will be leaving Thursday for an extended 40th anniversary trip. Next Sunday, brother Eric Floyd will be here to preach to you.

If God Be Our God -- <i><b>“I Am The LORD Thy God…” – Exodus 20:2</b></i>

What is implied by God being our God? It is comprehensive of all good things. God is our strong tower; our fountain of living water; our salvation. More particularly, being our God implies the sweetest relations.

(1) The relation of a father. ‘I will be a Father unto you;’ 2 Cor 6: 18. A father is full of tender care for his child. Upon whom does he settle the inheritance but his child? God being our God, will be a father to us; a ‘Father of mercies,’ 2 Cor 1: 3; ‘The everlasting Father.’ Isa 9: 6. If God be our God, we have a Father in heaven that never dies.

(2) It imports the relation of a husband. ‘Thy Maker is thine husband.’ Isa 54: 5. If God be our husband, he esteems us precious to him, as the apple of his eye. Zech 2: 8. He imparts his secrets to us. Psa 25: 14. He bestows a kingdom upon us for our dowry. Luke 12: 32.

If God be our God, then though we may feel the stroke of evil, yet not the sting. He must needs be happy who is in such a condition, that nothing can hurt him. If he lose his name, it is written in the book of life; if he lose his liberty, his conscience is free; if he lose his estate, he is possessed of the pearl of price; if he meets with storms, he knows where to put in for harbour; God is his God, and heaven is his heaven.

If God be our God, our soul is safe, as in a garrison. Death can do no more hurt to a virtuous heaven-born soul, than David did to Saul, when he cut off the skirt of his garment. The soul is safe, being hid in the promises; hid in the wounds of Christ; hid in God’s decree. The soul is the pearl, and heaven is the cabinet where God will lock it up safe.

If God be our God, then all that is in God is ours. The Lord says to a saint in covenant, as the king of Israel to the king of Syria, ‘I am thine, and all that I have.’ 1 Kings 20: 4. So saith God, ‘I am thine:’ how happy is he who not only inherits the gift of God, but inherits God himself! All that I have shall be thine; my wisdom shall be thine to teach thee; my power shall be thine to support thee; my mercy shall be thine to save thee. God is an infinite ocean of blessedness, and there is enough in him to fill us: as if a thousand vessels were thrown into the sea, there is enough in the sea to fill them.

If God be our God, he will entirely love us. Property is the ground of love. God may give men kingdoms, and not love them; but he cannot be our God, and not love us. He calls his covenanted saints, Jediduth Naphshi, ‘The dearly beloved of my soul.’ Jer 12: 7. He rejoiceth over them with joy, and rests in his love. Zeph 3: 17. They are his refined silver (Zech 13: 9); his jewels (Mal 3: 17); his royal diadem (Isa 62: 3). He gives them the cream and flower of his love. He not only opens his hand and fills them, but opens his heart and fills them. Psa 145: 16. -- by Thomas Watson(continued in next week’s bulletin)

A Dead Dog Sinner

Upon arriving to services one Wednesday evening, to my surprise, there was an old, mangy, rejected and forsaken dog sitting on the front porch of the church building. I was appalled and repulsed at the dog’s sad appearance and horrible condition. This poor creature was in bad shape, yet all I can remember thinking was, “I wish this dog would go away.” I am so grateful that when my merciful, gracious and compassionate Savior looked upon me that His attitude was not like mine. May God be pleased to give me the attitude of Mephibosheth who said, “What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?” (2 Samuel 9:8) In as bad a shape as that poor dog appeared in my sight, how much worse do I, a DEAD DOG sinner appear in God’s? “Precious Lord, how merciful, thou art to me.”-- David Eddmenson

Love & Friendship --  “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:19

 The Lord Jesus Christ is the “friend of sinners”, Who loved His own before the world began, loved them while they were yet sinners, and loves them to the end.  Christ is the Son of God and the firstborn among many brethren.  He is the Elder Brother Who was born for adversity; born to bear the sin of God’s people.  He is that Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He will never forsake His friends and brothers.  May we be the same friend and brother to our brethren, loving them in the depth of their sins, and actively, fervently¸ loving them in when they need it most, when they are experiencing great adversity and trouble.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

September 15th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………...

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………………………….…… Messages by Eric Floyd

Welcome…. Eric and Abby Floyd. It is good to have the Floyds back with us today. Brother Eric will be bringing both messages today while I am away. The Lord willing, next Sunday, brother Luke Coffey will be here to preach to you.

No Wednesday Night Service This Week

Message to Hear: ‘The End’, Daniel 12:13 -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=12210817303

Birthdays: September 15th – Helen Canterbury & Tom Polk, 22nd – Janine Kess, October 18th – Joshua Montgomery

Cleaning: Hudsons, Next Week: Jennifer & Debra / / / Nursery: Helen / Kathryn

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

That Heavenly Teacher – by J.C. Philpot

We do not learn that we are sinners merely by reading it in the Bible. It must be wrought—I might say, burnt into us. Nor will anyone sincerely and spiritually cry for mercy—until sin is spiritually felt and known—in its misery, in its dominion, in its guilt, in its entanglements, in its wiles and allurements, in its filth and pollution, and in its condemnation. Where the Holy Spirit works, He kindles sighs, groans, supplications, wrestlings, and pleadings to know Christ—feel His love—taste the efficacy of His atoning blood—and embrace Him as all our salvation and all our desire. And though there may, and doubtless will be, much barrenness, hardness, deadness, and apparent carelessness often felt—still that heavenly Teacher will revive His work, though often by painful methods—nor will He let the quickened soul rest short of a personal and experimental enjoyment of Christ and His glorious salvation.

If God Be Our God -- <i><b>“I Am The LORD Thy God…” – Exodus 20:2 </b></i>(continued from last week’s bulletin)

If God be our God, he will do more for us than all the world besides can. What is that? He will give us peace in trouble. When there is a storm without, he will make music within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble. He will send the Comforter, who, as a dove, brings an olive-branch of peace in his mouth. John 14: 16. God will give us a crown of immortality. The world can give a crown of gold, but that crown has thorns in it and death in it; but God will give you a crown of glory that fadeth not away. 1 Pet. 5: 4. The garland made of the flowers of paradise never withers.

If God be our God, he will bear with many infirmities. He may respite sinners awhile, but long forbearance is no acquittance; he will throw them to hell for their sins; but if he be our God, he will not for every failing destroy us; he bears with his spouse as with the weaker vessel. He may chastise. Psa 89:32. He may use the rod and the pruning-knife, but not the bloody axe. ‘He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob.’ Numb 23:21. He will not see sin in his people so as to destroy them, but their sins so as to pity them. He sees them as a physician a disease in his patient, to heal him. ‘I have seen his ways, and will heal him.’ Isa 57: 18. Every failing does not break the marriage-bond asunder. The disciples had great failings, they all forsook Christ and fled; but this did not break off their interest in God; therefore, says Christ, at his ascension, ‘Tell my disciples, I go to my God and to their God.’

If God be once our God, he is so for ever. ‘This God is our God for ever and ever.’ Psa 48:14. Whatever worldly comforts we have, they are but for a season, and we must part with all. Heb. 11:18 As Paul’s friends accompanied him to the ship, and there left him (Acts 20: 38), so all our earthly comforts will but go with us to the grave, and there leave us. You cannot say you have health, and shall have it for ever; you have a child, and shall have it for ever; but if God be your God, you shall have him for ever. ‘This God is our God for ever and ever.’ If God be our God, he will be a God to us as long as he is a God. ‘Ye have taken away my gods,’ said Micah. Judges 18:14. But it cannot be said to a believer, that his God is taken away; He may lose all things else, but cannot lose his God. God is ours from everlasting in election, and to everlasting in glory.

If God be our God, we shall enjoy all our godly relations with him in heaven. The great felicity on earth is to enjoy relations. A father sees his own picture in a child; and a wife sees herself in her husband. We plant the flower of love among our relations, and the loss of them is like the pulling off a limb from the body. But if God be ours, with the enjoyment of God we shall enjoy all our pious relations in glory. The gracious child shall see his godly father, the virtuous wife shall see her religious husband in Christ’s arms; and then there will be a dearer love to relations than there ever was before, though in a far different manner; then relations shall meet and never part. ‘And so shall we be ever with the Lord.’

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

September 22nd 2019

9:30 am ………………………

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..………………………………………….…. Messages by Luke Coffey


Message to Hear: by Henry Mahan: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=11706165147

WELCOME . . . Luke & Tracy Coffey. It’s good to have Luke and Tracy back with us. Brother Luke will be bringing both messages to you this morning while Mindy and I are away on an anniversary trip. No Wednesday service this week.

Birthdays: September 25th – Janine Kess / Cleaning: Jennifer & Debra / / / Nursery: Vikki / Teresa

What It Is To Confess Christ"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess

before my Father which is in Heaven" (Matthew 10:32).

What is it to confess Christ? . . .

1. It is to have an understanding in the mind of WHO Christ is, WHAT Christ did, and WHERE Christ is. "The Son of God has come and given us an understanding...." (I John 5:20).

2. It is to believe Christ in the heart. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation." (Romans 10:9-10) To receive Christ with a sincere and genuine heart love, and committal as Lord and Saviour, Prophet, Priest, and King.

3. It is to confess Christ openly and publicly in believer’s baptism. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." Baptism does not save nor add anything to the Saviour’s work; but it is a confession of, identification with, and testimony of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, and our own death to sin and resurrection TO WALK WITH HIM.

4. It is identification with the church of our Lord Jesus, the people who love Him, and the preachers who preach His Gospel of free and sovereign Grace. Paul said to Timothy, “Be not ashamed of the testimony (Gospel) of our God, nor of me His servant, but be ready yourself to partake (be identified) of the afflictions of the Gospel." Where the Gospel is preached, where the true people of God meet to worship, where the name of Christ is worshipped and exalted, THERE I WANT TO BE! And if I truly love Christ and confess Christ, THERE I WILL BE! — Henry Mahan

Be Not Joined To Unbelievers

"Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? . . .”  2 Corinthians 6:14-16

This command is so plain, that it requires no interpreter. Righteousness and wickedness;  light and darkness;  Christ and the Devil;  God's temple and idols . . . What do they have in common?  This is a call to godly separation. This passage gives utterance to a Divine exhortation for those belonging to Christ . . . to hold aloof from all intimate associations with the ungodly. It expressly forbids them entering into alliances with the unconverted. It definitely prohibits the children of God walking arm-in-arm with worldlings. It is an admonition applying to every phase and department of our lives . . religious, domestic, social, commercial. And never, perhaps, was there a time when it is more needed, more pressing on Christians, than now. The days in which we are living are marked by the spirit of compromise. On every side we behold unholy mixtures, ungodly alliances, and unequal yokes. Many professing Christians appear to be trying how near to the world they may walk--and yet go to Heaven!

To Israel, God said, “After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.  Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God.” (Lev. 18:3-4) And again, "And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nations, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.” (Lev. 20:23) It was for their disregard of these very prohibitions, that Israel brought down upon themselves such severe chastisements.

God's call to His people in Babylon is, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of here sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4) No one can be a whole-hearted follower of the Lord Jesus who is, in any way, "yoked" to His enemies! -- A. W. Pink

Suppose that an ‘accident’ should take away our lives; I smile to think that the worst thing that could happen would be the best thing that could happen. If we should die, we should but the sooner be “forever with the Lord.” -- Spurgeon

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

October 6th. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….………………………………………………...…… Love Not The World – 1 John 2:15-17

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………………..…… A Certain Soldier Saved – Luke 7:1-10

Message to Hear: Mike Walker‘Sufficient Grace’ -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=101115192703

Birthdays: October 18th – Joshua Montgomery, 24th – Rebecca Kess, 28th – Karen Anderson

Cleaning: Vikki , Next Week: Davises / / / Nursery: Aimee / Janine -- Wednesday: Mary

Upcoming Meetings – October 11-13 – Cottageville, West Virginia, October 18-20 – College Grove, Tennessee, October 18-20 – Rock Valley, Iowa, October 25-27 – Lewisville, Arkansas, October 25-27 – Jackson, Missouri, November 1-3 – Spring Lake, North Carolina (Details on bulletin board)

Love Not The World – 1 John 2:15-16

Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world’ (v.15). The believer loves relatives and friends in the world, he loves and pities all people in the world, he loves the blessings of the good things that God gives to us and enables us to enjoy in the world, but he does not love the world nor the things of the world above God and Christ. He doesn’t take satisfaction or contentment in them, nor make idols of them, nor prefer them to heavenly and spiritual things! His citizenship and interests are in the kingdom of God. His true family is the family of God and he knows that the fashion of this world passes away. He prefers nothing and no one in this world to Christ. If a man’s affections and interests are set upon the world, the things of the world and the companionship of the worldly people, it is clearly evident that he does not have the love of God in him. No man can serve two masters (2 Tim. 2:19; Luke 14:25-33).

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world’ (v.16). All that is in this world, connected with it, or identified with it (under three headings), will pass away.

1. ‘The lust of the flesh’ or the body — all carnal and sensual desires, unchaste thoughts, intemperance in food and drink, costly apparel, luxurious and wasteful living, fine homes and indulgence of our fleshly appetites toward materialism and self-satisfaction.

2. ‘The lust of the eyes’ — after unlawful or unspiritual objects, covetousness after gold, silver, land and the possession of visible things. Achan said, ‘I saw it, I coveted it and I took it.’

3. ‘The pride of life’ — ambition, honour, worldly fame, the chief places and the high seats. Seek not the honour and praise of men, for these things are not of the Father but of the world (John 5:44). – Henry Mahan’s commentary

Sovereign Grace Hated By The Modern Religionist

If anything is hated bitterly it is the out-and-out gospel of the grace of God, especially if that hateful word “sovereignty” is mentioned with it. Dare to say, “He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy and he will have compassion on whom he will have compassion” (Romans 9:15), and furious critics will revile you without stint. The modern religionist not only hates the doctrine of sovereign grace, but he raves and rages at the mention of it. He would sooner hear you blaspheme than preach election by the Father, atonement by the Son, or regeneration by the Spirit. If you want to see a man worked up till the Satanic is clearly uppermost, let some of the new divines hear you preach a free-grace sermon. Men will welcome “a gospel” which is after men, but it needs a divine operation upon the heart and mind to make a man willing to receive into his inmost soul this distasteful gospel of the grace of God.

My dear brethren do not try to make it tasteful to carnal minds. Hide not the offence of the cross, lest you make it of none effect. The angles and corners of the gospel are its strength: to pare them off is to deprive it of power. Toning down is not the increase of strength, but the death of it. Why, even among the sects (Jehovah Witness & etc), you must have noticed that their distinguishing points are the horns of their power; and when these are practically omitted, the sect is effete (none effective). Learn, then, that if you take Christ out of Christianity, Christianity is dead. If you remove grace out of the gospel, the gospel is gone. If the people do not like the doctrine of grace, give them all the more of it. Whenever its enemies rail at a certain kind of gun, a wise military power will provide more of such artillery. A great general, going before his king, stumbled over his own sword. “I see,” said the king, “your sword is in the way.” The warrior answered, “Your majesty’s enemies have often felt the same.” That our gospel offends the King’s enemies is no regret to us. I preach the doctrines of grace because I believe them to be true; because I see them in the Scriptures; because my experience endears them to me; and because I see the holy result of them in believers. I confess they are nonetheless dear to me because the advanced school despises them: I should never think it a recommendation of a doctrine that it was new. Those truths, which have enlightened so many ages, appear to me to be ordained to remain throughout eternity. The doctrine that I preach to you is that of the Puritans: it is the doctrine of Calvin, the doctrine of Augustine, the doctrine of Paul, the doctrine of the Holy Ghost. The Author and Finisher of our faith Himself taught this most blessed truth. The doctrine of grace is the substance of the testimony of Jesus. – Charles Spurgeon

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

October 13th. 2019

9:30 am …………………….……………………………..……. The Unction That Knoweth All Things – 1 John 2:18-28

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………..… Young Man, Woman; ARISE – Luke 7:11-17

Message to Hear: by Gabe Stalnaker -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=128152117246

Birthdays: October 18th – Joshua Montgomery, 24th – Rebecca Kess, 28th – Karen Anderson

Cleaning: Davises, Next Week: Parks / / / Nursery: Elizabeth / Margaret

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,


"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ."-- Philippians 3:7, 8

Oh what grace must be in your hearts to enable you to renounce what the world so madly pursues and what your own nature so fondly loves! To see all these earthly delights spread, as if in a panorama, before your eyes—the pleasures, the amusements, the show and finery of the world presented to you—to carry within you a nature which loves and delights in them—and yet, by the power of grace and the teaching of the Holy Spirit, to regard them as far beneath your notice, as contemptible, and as polluting as the refuse in the street, over which you step in haste lest you defile your shoes or clothes—Oh what a deep and vital sense must the soul have of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus its Lord, and what a view by faith of His beauty and glory to bring it to that state—to count all that earth can give or contribute to individual enjoyment as dung and dross! – J.C. Philpot

DIVINE GRACE – by Arthur Pink

The doctrine of Divine Grace is unique. It is a truth peculiar to Divine Revelation, a concept to which the unaided powers of man’s mind could never have risen. Proof of this is seen in the fact that where the Bible has not gone, grace is quite unknown. Not the slightest trace of it is to be found in any of the religions of heathendom, and when missionaries undertake to translate the Scriptures into the native’s tongues, they can find no word which in any wise corresponds to the Bible word “grace.” Grace is something to which none has any rightful claim, something which is due unto none: being mere charity, a sovereign favor, a free gift. Divine grace is the favor of God bestowing inconceivable blessings upon those who have no merits and from whom no compensation is demanded. Nay more: grace is exercised unto those who are full of positive demerits. How completely grace sets aside all thought of desert or worth in its subject appears from that declaration, “being justified freely by His grace” (Romans 3:24): that word “freely” signifies “without a cause,” and is so rendered in John 15:25—justified gratuitously, for nothing!

Cast All Your Care Upon the Lord -- Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you. I Peter 5:7

Charles Tindley wrote, "Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there."30 I believe I have learned the first half of this. I do take my cares and concerns, my needs and burdens, to the Lord; but too often, after I have taken them to the Lord, I feel them on my mind as heavily as before!

Beloved, this is not the way to trust God. The way to trust God is to cast my care on him altogether and go away resting in the fact that he cares for me, will work it all out for my good and his glory, and, if what I am doing is his work and will, then he will preserve it. If it is not his work, then let it go to pieces, and the sooner the better!

I know that the believer is to be burdened for the lost, concerned that his conduct, conversation, and character glorify God, and that he is to approach his duties and responsibilities with a serious and dedicated mind. But, when we put forth our best effort, then let's leave it all in his hands. Let's leave all of our fears and anxieties at his feet. We are but instruments in his hand; it is his world, his work, and his church. His ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts. His purpose is accomplished in success and failure, in prosperity and adversity, and in life and death! -- Henry Mahan

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

October 20, 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………………... No Lie is of The Truth – 1 John 2:18-26

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………Is There Oil In Our Vessels? – Matthew 25:1-13

Message to Hear: by Bruce Crabtree -- http://www.sermonaudio.com/jumpto.asp?m=s&k=111161005010

Lord willing, I will be preaching this weekend in the meeting of Grace Baptist Church of Lewisville, Arkansas, where brother Darvin Pruitt is pastor. In my absence brother Tom Harding, pastor of Zebulon Grace Church, Pikeville, Kentucky, will preach to you next Sunday.

Our meeting with brother Clay Curtis is a little over two weeks away. Pray the Lord will bless us and bring someone.

Birthdays: Rebecca Kess – 24th , Karen Anderson – 28th

Cleaning: Ogles, Next Week: Mahans / / / Nursery: Helen / Kathryn

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

It is Good For Me To Draw Near To God – Psalm 73:28

God is love, mercy, grace, peace, wisdom, goodness, holiness, joy, happiness and all things good and pleasurable. At Thy right hand are pleasures forever more. To be near to God is to experience these good things. To be near to God is to feel His love, mercy, grace, peace & c. On the other hand, to be afar off from God is to have none of these things; but rather the opposite. To be far from God is to feel and experience hate, guilt, shame, hopelessness, helplessness, strife, evil, sin, anger, wrath, malice and all things evil. How does one draw near to God?

  1. In fear as a guilty sinner in need of mercy and forgiveness. We first draw near by calling, “God be merciful to me the sinner. He is nigh unto them that call upon Him in truth.

  2. By faith in Christ. God be merciful to me for Christ’s sake. Let the blood be propitiation for me on the mercy seat. Forgive me for Christ’s sake. Have mercy on me for Christ’s sake. Accept my plea for Christ’s sake. .

Inward Grace

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. -- Romans 8:9

Inward grace and faith will always produce outward works of love and kindness. It is impossible to have one without the other. Grace within produces grace without. Love within is manifested in outward works. Faith within is reflected in outward obedience. Hope within leads to outward peace. Gratitude within makes men generous to others. Let us fear having a dead-letter, orthodox form of religion, denying the life-changing power of his grace. – HTM

Where Sin Abounded -- "Where sin abounded, grace did abound much more exceedingly." Romans 5:20

Sin has abounded—fearfully abounded in thought, word, and deed—but grace does much more abound! Take your sins, then, with all their horrid and dreadful aggravations—sins against light, conscience, love, mercy, and blood. Examine them well— search thoroughly, as far as you can—their height, depth, length, and breadth—until your knees tremble, and your heart sinks with fear and dread. Must you perish? Must you sink to rise no more? Is all hope gone? Is hell your destined unavoidable place? Look, look, see this view of the gospel declaration concerning grace. Only get this brought by the Spirit into your heart, "Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound"—and your debts are at once liquidated. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin! "All sin!" How comprehensive! What sin does this not embrace? And take with it, too, this word from the Lord's own lips, "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men." Then all vile, infidel, blasphemous thoughts and suggestions—all the pride, unbelief, infidelity, obscenity, and filth of a depraved, desperately depraved nature—all the dregs of that foul sewer which floods the imagination—all the hard, rebellious uprisings of a carnal mind at enmity with God—all the heavings and tossings of a heart bottomless as hell—with all the boilings-up, fermentings, and workings to and fro of an abyss of iniquity—all, all evil from within and from without—shall be forgiven—and is already forgiven to the repenting, believing children of God! – J.C. Philpot

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

October 27, 2019

9:30 am …………………

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………….……… Messages by brother Thomas Harding

Message to Hear: by Don Bell -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=101019138216447

Welcome brother Tom Harding and sister Bridgett. Brother Tom Harding, pastor of Zebulon Grace Church, Pikeville, Kentucky, will be bringing both messages to you today, while I am preaching for Grace Baptist Church of Lewisville, Arkansas, Darvin Pruitt, pastor.

Our meeting with brother Clay Curtis is a less than two weeks away. Pray the Lord will bless us and bring someone.

Birthdays: October 28th – Karen Anderson, November 8th – Dan Ogle & Kevin Berry, 13th – Aimee Poff

Cleaning: Ogles , Next Week: Torrences / / / Nursery: Vikki / Teresa

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

Preserving Grace Before Regeneration – J.C. Philpot

"To them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called."-- Jude 1

What a mercy it is for God's people that before they have a 'vital union' with Christ—before they are grafted into Him experimentally—they have an 'eternal, immanent union' with Him before all worlds. It is by virtue of this eternal union that they come into the world—at such a time, at such a place, from such parents, under such circumstances—as God has appointed. It is by virtue of this eternal union that the circumstances of their lives are ordained. By virtue of this eternal union they are preserved in Christ before they are effectually called. They cannot die until God has brought about a vital union with Christ! Whatever sickness they may pass through—whatever injuries they may be exposed to—whatever perils assault them on sea or land— die they will not, die they cannot—until God's purposes are executed in bringing them into a vital union with the Son of His love. Thus, this eternal union watched over every circumstance of their birth—watched over their childhood—watched over their manhood—watched over them until the appointed time and spot, when "the God of all grace," according to His eternal purpose, was pleased to quicken their souls, and thus bring about an experimental union with the Lord of life and glory.

The Best Friend

  The best friend you can have on this earth is one who will tell you the truth. One who will not help make you comfortable in a refuge of lies. One who speaks the truth to you in love. One who will continue to do so though you may not appreciate his doing so. May I be such a friend that the blood of others be not on my hands. -- Don Bell

Other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I MUST bring, and THEY SHALL hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”– John 10:16

I believe in using means to send the gospel out but if our methods and means begin to look like advertising, then I believe it is positively wrong and brings reproach upon the gospel. And if we think it is our methods and means that have brought God’s people in, we are dead wrong!

The Truth is not a thing which we must market or advertise as we would a product for sale. Those that do so, show little regard for the Holy Spirit and His power to draw all men to hear the gospel. Does that mean that we should forsake all means of trying to get people to hear or read the Truth? NO. But we must guard against presenting the Truth in such a way as to cheapen it and make it appear to be a commodity or product offer available to the general public if they will have it. It is not! Christ said: My sheep hear my voice! And they shall!. . . All of them!. . . With or without us! Certainly without our help, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, who sovereignly brings, convinces and regenerates all for whom Christ died.

What made me think of all this was an illustration that happened to me. I was sitting in the study looking at the birds feeding on a feeder hanging outside the window. I only recently hung that feeder out there and it wasn’t 24 hours until the birds started congregating. I thought, “now, who told them that food was there? How did they find it so quickly?” I know Who! And I know Who calls His people into the fold, to congregate with the sheep and feed at the gospel table! It is the Great Shepherd. All this gives me hope and comfort that, though God uses means, yet it is not up to the means. And though God may use ME, He will still work IN SPITE OF ME.   

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

November 3rd 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..………….... Righteous In Him and Like Him – 1 John 3:1-10

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..………………………….……Blessed If Not Offended – Luke 7:19-23


Birthdays: November 8th – Dan Ogle & Kevin Berry, 13th – Aimee Poff, 14th – Elizabeth Woolson, 15th – Debra Huff Service times for our meeting: Friday: 7:00 pm, Saturday: 11:00 am, Sunday: 11:00 am

(Since we are studying through 1 John, I thought it good to put the comments of my pastor on these passages). This is what the scripture says and this is what we believe, preach and teach.)

Holiness Of Life (From Henry Mahan’s commentaries)

If ye know that He is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him.”

This passage has a twofold theme. Believers will live holy lives and they will love one another. Faith is always connected with a righteous life (James 2:20) and a spirit of love for all men, especially all believers (1 John 4:7). Several arguments or reasons are presented for godly living on the part of believers.

The first argument for holiness of life is that if you know that Christ our Lord is absolutely righteous (obedient to the Father’s will in his thoughts, actions and words), you know that those who are begotten of him (in like manner) will seek to be like him in righteousness and obedience to the Father’s will. To be born of God is to have the nature of God, the grace of God and the presence of Christ formed in us, causing us to love and desire the will and ways of God.

Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” – I John 3:7-8

Do not be deceived by false prophets and wicked persons who preach that it does not matter how a person lives, provided he believes the gospel, or that knowledge of theology is sufficient without obedience to the lordship of Christ in conduct. This is not true. One cannot separate faith and conduct. As Christ our Lord showed himself to be a righteous man by doing good, obeying the Father and demonstrating love and compassion, so those who are united to him by faith, justified by his grace and regenerated by his spirit will seek to imitate their Lord. As a tree is know by its fruit, so a righteous man is known by his works. Good fruit does not make a tree good, but shows it to be good; so good works do not make us righteous (only Christ can do that), but show us to be so (James 2:14-20, 26).

v.8. A man who practices sin, dishonesty, drunkenness, malice, envy, lies and disobedience to the commandments of Christ is not of God, but takes his character from the evil one, for Satan has violated the way and laws of righteousness from the beginning. He imitates Satan, not Christ, and resembles his parent as children do their parents (John 8:41, 42). Christ came not only to put away our sins in regard to the penalty of them and the curse of the law, but to deliver us from the power of Satan and the practice of ungodliness (Rom. 6:12-18).

Baptism -- “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ” .– Acts 2:38, 41

Baptism is a command of our Lord Jesus Christ to all who believe Him. “He That Believeth And Is Baptized Shall Be Saved”– Mark 16:16 . It is not an option. Baptism does not save us, but it is the certain confession of one who has been saved. Anyone who refuses, has not been saved. “It is the answer of a good conscience” (I Peter 3:21. When God truly saves someone, their heart and conscience is convicted of sin, they call on the Lord for forgiveness of sin, they see their need of Christ’s blood shed for remission of their sins; they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their sin bearer and righteousness; and their conscience tells them to confess Christ. They want to, they need to, they shall. Every single person at Pentecost who gladly received the Wordwas baptized. It is the heartfelt, public confession of faith in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. And there is only “one baptism”(Eph.4:5) . . . it is the public, water emersion confession of the Lord in Whom, like baptism, we are crucified, buried, and risen again to walk in newness of life . . . life in Christ and with Christ’s people. Baptism is the public identification with Christ AND HIS PEOPLE. It is identification with the church you have been united to . . . as at Pentecost, when the Lord added to His church, uniting them in love to His Son and each other from that day forward.

If you were supposedly baptized years ago, confessing another Jesus, and believing another gospel rather than the true One, then you may want to consider if you have truly confessed THE Christ or not. Renouncing our past false religion is what it means to “turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God.”(I Thess.1:9) Most everyone at Pentecost was religious, that is why they came to Jerusalem that day. But when they heard the true Christ preached, they all repented, believed and were baptized. May the Lord make it (Himself) clear to you and give you grace and courage to confess Him.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

November 17th 2019

9:30 am …………………….……………………………..…………... Christ Commending His Preacher – Luke 7:24-30

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………..The Great Shepherd of the Sheep – Psalm 23

Message to Hear: ‘Go Thy Way Til The End’ -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=12210817303


I am scheduled to preach tonight in Kingsport. No Wednesday service. Mindy and I are meeting the Eddmensons for a little get-away in Pigeon Forge, TN . . . a gift from a grateful hearer (a dear, elect lady) to two preachers and their wives. We are grateful to her.

Birthdays: December 1st – John Sheesley & Dan Parks, 9th – Andrew Polk

Cleaning: Canterburys, Next Week: Polks / / / Nursery:

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,


  There is not one heart alive that does not need to be prepared to worship, to enter into the presence of God, and to hear the Word of God for this hour. We would do well to rise a little earlier, to read the Scriptures, and to arrive at the house of God in time to get our greetings over with and prepare to worship the King in an attentive and prayerful fashion.

  During the sermon, with the open Bible before us, we should give the most sincere attention to the minister. Let our eyes, ears, and thoughts be directed to the message not to those about us. The birds of night use every subtle means to rob us of the life-giving seed. A crying infant, a late comer, a sleeping companion, a slip of the tongue by one who speaks any and all things are used to make one turn attention from the Word.

  And I am certain that many serious impressions have been lost through the idle chit-chat and foolish talk after the sermon. We feel that we must talk, and I suppose that we must, for we cannot stand around and stare at one another. Love and fellowship must be expressed. But wouldn't it be more profitable for us to direct our conversation toward the message, the Scriptures, the mercies and blessings of God in Christ? That our hearts not wander from spiritual impressions made by the Word! 

 We desire the preaching of the gospel to make men glad. We want them to rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. However, if the Lord is not pleased to make them glad, let them get mad.  Let the gospel strip them of their righteousness, offend their pride, and impugn their dignity.  At least then we know they’ve heard something. – Greg Elmquist

 Rolfe Barnard once told a young preacher named Henry Mahan, “Preach for a verdict. Preach so that men will hear what you are saying and go away mad, sad or glad.”

The Hearer I Appreciate”~ John Hall

1. One who prays for the preacher and for the blessings of the Lord on the congregation which is meeting that day.

2. One who is punctually in his pew with his family beside him.

3. One who has his Bible open and who devoutly follows the scriptures read as hearing God speaking to him.

4. One who takes a hymnbook and joins in the praise of the Lord as earnestly as does the leader of the singing.

5. One who in his heart joins in the prayer time.

6. One who remembers that we are in the presence of God and bears himself with reverence of manner and


7. One who looks for Christ and grace in the sermon and not for rhetoric, elocution, and clever statements.

8. One who listens, takes the message to himself, and has a comment afterward regarding the subject.

9. One who has a look and a word of Christian greeting for those near him in the church after the service.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

November 24th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..…………….. Righteous As He is Righteous – 1 John 3:1-10

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..…………………………..…… The Shepherd of the Sheep – Psalm 23


Birthdays: December 1st – John Sheesley & Dan Parks, 9th – Andrew Polk

Cleaning: Polks, Next Week: Pendrys / / / Nursery: Vikki / Teresa

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Taking Sides With God Against Ourselves– by David Eddmenson

 “For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good” (Romans 7:15-16)

 Paul says, “For what I would, that I do not.” That word “would” in this verse means to “choose and determine.” What Paul is saying is this, “What I want to do, desire to do, what I would choose, determine and prefer to do, I don’t do! Paul adds further, “But what I hate, that do I.” Paul is saying, “I want to do what’s right.” “I would prefer to do what’s right.” “In my mind, I choose and determine to do what’s right.” BUT I DON’T DO IT, and I HATE IT THAT I DON’T!

 Paul continues and says, “If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.” It is here that Paul takes sides with the law of God. Paul condemns his evil. Paul mourns his transgressions. He consents that the law is good, and that God is right! Let me give you an illustration. If a man commits a crime and the law finds him guilty, he is judged by the law. He is found guilty according to the justice of the law. He is sentenced according to the parameters of the law. His condemnation, according to the law, results in him being put behind bars. Will that condemned man dare say that the law is the reason that he is incarcerated? It isn’t the law that put him there, it is his offence, his crime, and his sin that did.

 The law of God is good. God is right and just. Aren’t you glad that Christ died the “JUST” for the “unjust,” to bring you to God? Do you see that it is YOUR sin that condemns you before God? It is then that the saved sinner will do as Paul did. He will take sides with God against himself and plead and beg for His mercy.

Four Things Comfort The Child Of God In Trials And Afflictions -- by Gabe Stalnaker

  1. We can trust the God who appointsthem. (1 Thess. 3:3)

  2. We can trust that He knows our frame. (Psalm 103:14)

  3. We can trust that goodwill always be waiting at the end of the trial. (Romans 8:28)

  4. We can trust that one day soon He will “…stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.” (1 Thess. 3:13)

Desires of The Believer

Someone once said the believer has three strong desires:

  1. Total Commitment - to the Lord Jesus Christ. Every saint wants to be sold-out, a student, disciple, follower and full-time worshipper of the Lord. Fact is, all truebelievers are!

  2. Total Communion – with the Lord God. Every child of God knows the Lord . . . has a real relationship with Him; but desires to know Him more fully; desires to walk and talk with, hear from and feel the presence of His God. Enoch walked with God, Noah walked with God, and so do all of God’s people. But they long to do so more fully.

  3. Total Conformity – to the Lord Jesus Christ. Every lover of Christ, longs to be like Christ. As David said . . . I’ll be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness. We see no beauty in ourselves, no comeliness, but we see Him as altogether lovely, and want to be and strive to be like Him. Are these the desires of your heart?

Open Thy Mouth Wide, and I Will Fill It.” – Psalm 81:10

Here is an express assurance, a promise not only that we shall receive, but be filled. He will supply all our need from His riches in glory. He will bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Where is the Christian who lives up to his duty, or to his privilege: For God not only answers prayer really, but proportionally: He says, “Be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” – William Jay (1769-1853)

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

December 1st - 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……………...... The Children Are Manifest – 1 John 3:10-24

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………...Wisdom Justified of Her Children – Luke 7:31-35

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ……………………………………………….. To The Churches: Part 1, Ephesus – Revelation 2:1-7

Message to Hear: ‘Religious But Lost’ – H. Mahan - https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=42016757490

Birthdays: December 1st – John Sheesley (80th) & Dan Parks, 9th – Andrew Polk

Cleaning: Pendrys – Next Week: Fannins / / / Nursery: Aimee / Janine

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Listen to: WYTI Radio – Rocky Mount, VA - 8:00 AM – Sundays -- 1570 AM / 104.5 FM,

To Our Congregation: The Lord willing, this Wednesday night, we will begin a study of the words of our Lord to the seven churches found in Revelation 1:11, beginning with Ephesus, Rev.2:1-7. We could not hear and study a more important, nor more relevant message, especially in these last days and perilous times. These words are to the churches (Rev.1:11, 3:22). If you are a member of Christ’s church . . . a member of this local church, come, sit, and ‘hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.’

The Doctrine of Sanctification – Charles Hodge (1797-1878), professor at Princeton (1851-1878)

But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and

righteousness, and SANCTIFICATION, and redemption’ – 1 Corinthians 1:30

The doctrine of sanctification, as taught by the Bible is, that we are made holy NOT by force of conscience, nor of moral motives, nor by acts of discipline, but by being united to Christ so as to become reconciled to God, and partakers of the Holy Ghost. Christ is made unto us sanctification as well as justification. He not only frees from the penalty of the law, but He makes us holy. There is, therefore, according to the Gospel, no such thing as sanctification, without justification. Those who are out of Christ are under the power as well as under the condemnation of sin. And those who are in Christ are not only free from condemnation, but are also delivered from the dominion of sin.

(Read the following article carefully. Brother Philpot gives us the scriptural key to subduing sin in our members; the lifelong struggle of every believer.)

We Want a Spiritual Death and a Spiritual Life – by J.C. Philpot

"And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness."-- Romans 8:10

We want two things in lively operation; a spiritual death and a spiritual life. We want death put upon the flesh, upon sin, upon everything which is ungodly, that it may not reign or rule; and we want also the communication and maintenance of a divine life which shall act Godward, exist and co-exist in the same breast, and be in activity at the same moment. Here is sin striving for the mastery; but here also is a view of the cross of Christ; here is a testimony of bleeding, dying love. This puts a death upon sin. But as death is put upon sin and the lust is mortified, crucified, resisted, or subdued, there springs up a life of faith and prayer, of hope and love, of repentance and godly sorrow for sin, of humility and spirituality, of a desire to live to God's praise and walk in his fear. The cross gives both. From the cross comes death unto sin; from the cross comes life unto righteousness. From the cross springs the healing of every bleeding wound, and from the cross springs every motive to a godly life. Thus, in God's mysterious wisdom, there is a way whereby sin can be pardoned, the law magnified, justice exalted, the sinner saved, sin subdued, righteousness given, and the soul made to walk in the ways of peace and holiness. Oh, what depths of wisdom, mercy, and grace are here! Look where you will, try every mode, if you are sincere about your soul's salvation, if the Lord the Spirit has planted the fear of God in your heart, you will find no other way but this. There is no other way that leads to holiness here and heaven hereafter; no other way whereby sin can be pardoned and the soul sanctified. It is this view of salvation from sin not only in its guilt but also in its power, this deliverance from the curse of the law and well-spring of all holy, acceptable obedience, which has in all ages so endeared the cross to the souls of God's family, and made all of them more or less to be of Paul's mind, when he declared that he was determined to know nothing save Jesus Christ and him crucified.

There is in every believer an old man, and a new man, nature and grace, flesh and spirit; and these are opposite and contrary the one to the other in their principles and actions; they are always desiring different things, and pursuing different ends, which occasions a continual war between them. – William Romaine

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

December 8th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……………………….... Love One Another – 1 John 3:11-24

10:00 am ……………………….………………… The Lord’s Mercy, Compassion & Faithfulness – Lamentations 3:22-23

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ……………………………………………… To The Churches, Part 2, Smyrna – Revelation 2:8-11

Birthdays: December 9th– Andrew Polk, 25th– Earlene Sheesley, 27th– Kathy Smith

I ask no sign, no vision, no evidence without, nor feeling within on which to rest my confidence. God has given us HIS WORD and confirmed it in His blessed Son; and there my confidence, faith, and trust shall rest. -- Horatius Bonar

A Talebearer– by Charles Spurgeon

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people ... Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not suffer sin upon him.” – Leviticus 19:16-17

Tale-bearing emits a threefold poison; for it injures the teller, the hearer, and the person concerning whom the tale is told. Whether the report be true or false, we are by this precept of God’s Word forbidden to spread it. The reputations of the Lord’s people should be very precious in our sight, and we should count it shame to help the devil to dishonour the Church and the name of the Lord. Some tongues need a bridle rather than a spur. Many glory in pulling down their brethren, as if thereby they raised themselves. Noah’s wise sons cast a mantle over their father, and he who exposed him earned a fearful curse. We may ourselves one of these dark days need forbearance and silence from our brethren, let us render it cheerfully to those who require it now. Be this our family rule, and our personal bond-SPEAK EVIL OF NO MAN.

 The Holy Spirit, however, permits us to censure sin, and prescribes the way in which we are to do it. It must be done by rebuking our brother to his face, not by railing behind his back. This course is manly, brotherly, Christlike, and under God’s blessing will be useful. Does the flesh shrink from it? Then we must lay the greater stress upon our conscience, and keep ourselves to the work, lest by suffering sin upon our friend we become ourselves partakers of it. Hundreds have been saved from gross sins by the timely, wise, affectionate warnings of faithful ministers and brethren. Our Lord Jesus has set us a gracious example of how to deal with erring friends in his warning given to Peter, the prayer with which he preceded it, and the gentle way in which he bore with Peter’s boastful denial that he needed such a caution.

What Type Of Attire Do We Wear? - David Pledger, Pastor, Lincolnwood Baptist Church, Houston, TX

Our thoughts of God are reflected in every part of a service. What part will the preaching of the Word of God have in the service? Will the truth of Christ and His saving work be the message? Are the hymns that we sing such that glorify God? Are the words true to scripture and in this way we praise God by telling back to Him what He has told us about Himself? And yes, even our dress should and will be governed by our thoughts about God. I know that God looks on the heart and we surely do not think to impress Him by our dress, but we will show respect. A worship service is not to be like a sporting event.

We do not have rules, and we never want to say anything that would keep one from coming to hear the gospel. Yet, I’m of the old school and believe that we should wear modest and appropriate attire, and I prefer that women wear dresses. We live in a time when everyone wants to be casual, but there is nothing casual about the worship of God Almighty. I would not wear blue jeans to a friend’s funeral if I had something better. Out of respect for my friend I would wear my best, and why would I show less respect when coming to worship the living God?

May God help us to always dress in a way that honors God wearing the type of attire that shows our love and respect for our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

Note: This pastor wholeheartedly agrees with brother Pledger. In this day that is rapidly becoming genderless, there needs to be a godly distinction between men and women, especially in the house of worship. In this day of so-called ‘contemporary worship’ (like the modern world), now more than ever, the true people of God need to go back to the ‘old paths where is the good way and walk therein’ (Jer.6:16). My pastor and men whom I greatly respect (like brother Pedger); having heard them preach and watched their fine example; all of these men were alike in their thoughts about dress for public worship. (Wednesday night is a time of worship same as Sunday). I always saw these men conduct themselves in the house of God (and out) with godly fear, dignity and respect (and by God’s grace, I hope you will never see this preacher act any other way in this place. I see this principle in scripture and see the wisdom of it by experience. Our attitudes almost always reflect our dress and vice versa. If we dress casually we will act casual. If we dress slovenly we will act slovenly. If we dress with dignity and modesty we will act that way. Think about it, everyone in Glory wears a robe. A God-fearing, reverential, respectful, serious, sincere, humble, and modest person’s attitude will be reflected in their dress for public worship (as well as modesty at all time). – p.m. 

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

December 15th 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………...……………………………....Try The Spirits – 1 John 4:1-6

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..………….……………A Woman Weeping At His Feet – Luke 7:36-50

Wednesday: 7:00 pm ……………………………………….….. To The Churches, part 3, Pergamos – Revelation 2:12-17


Message to Hear: ‘Draw Nigh Unto God -- https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=12816843385

Birthdays: December 25th – Earlene Sheesley, 27th – Kathy Smith, 29th – Ron Fannin,

30th – Polly Peters, 31st – Kathryn Polk

Cleaning: This Week: Teresa / Aimee, Next Week: Kesses / / / Nursery: Helen / Kathryn

Self and Pride– by Bruce Crabtree

Have you ever seen a generation so full of itself? Seemingly every thought is about self. It's not about knowing self, but about serving self. If this generation was occupied with truly knowing itself, it would be ashamed of itself. Some of the smartest people that have ever lived in this world are living today - just ask them, just listen to them, just watch them; yet, as they are suffered to carry out their wise designs they are destroying themselves.

What is it that everyone in our generation should know about themselves? That they are nothing. "If a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself."

Everyone in this generation needs to know he is deserving of nothing - not another breath, step, food, drink, health, job or freedom or anything else, but to be immediately judged of God and punished in hell forever for their sins. "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Are God's enemies deserving of any good?

How few in our generation suppose themselves to be God's enemy - or even care to think of such a thing? How many suppose themselves worthy of being rewarded with slashes of God's glittering sword? What an awakening for this generation when God exposes its sin to itself. How horrified it will be to see itself as it really is. Oh, it's so proud, so smart, so educated, so worthy, but just wait.

Lloyd Jones said "pride is the last citadel of self. We have come to realize that a man can be educated and cultured, and still be a beast. The natural man is always looking at himself and admiring himself. The whole trouble in life, is ultimately a concern about self."

The modern man is a great worshiper. He has great faith, great enlightenment, but it's all about self. Now go take a selfie.

No Excuse for Sin– by Joe Terrell

Sin lives in the believer, but the believer cannot live in sin. In his flesh dwells no good thing (Romans 7:18). Instead, his flesh is as it always was: at the same time astonishingly corrupt and steadfastly self-righteous. But Christ has died for him, and that death has been imputed to him setting him free from the Law that revealed his sin, excited the sinful passions within him, and then condemned him for all of that sin. His love for Christ Who died the death he deserved wars against his natural love for sin such that he can never find satisfaction in his sin. Any who can find an excuse for sin in the doctrine of the gospel of grace does not know the gospel. Grace forgives but does not excuse sin. Likewise, the believer in Christ seeks forgiveness of his sin, but never excuses it.

The Kingdom of God – by Don Fortner

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:21

 It is a spiritual kingdom not a carnal kingdom, a heavenly kingdom not an earthly kingdom, an inward kingdom not an outward kingdom. It lies not in outward things, “but in righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Rom_14:17). The Kingdom of God is established in the hearts of chosen, redeemed sinners by the omnipotent grace of King Jesus. It is established by the binding and dispossession of Satan, the strong man armed, and the overthrow of the old man, sin, with its deceitful lusts, from the throne. The Kingdom of God has its seat in the inward parts, the inner man. It does not lie in words, in an outward profession of religion. It is oil in the vessel of the heart, and is distinct from the lamp of a visible profession. It does not lie in external works and duties; but it is an inward principle of godliness in the soul, or spirit of man, produced there by the Spirit of God. The kingdom of God is a kingdom governed by grace. In this kingdom grace reigns through righteousness, unto eternal life by Jesus Christ the King. Christ Jesus, as the King of saints, dwells and reigns in his people.

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

Website: www.centralgracechurch.com Email: centralgracechurch@gmail.com

December 22nd 2019

10:00 am ……………………….…………………..……………………….……… A Saviour, Christ the Lord – Luke 2:11


Birthdays: December 25th – Earlene Sheesley, 27th – Kathy Smith, 29th – Ron Fannin

30th – Polly Peters, 31st – Kathryn Polk

Cleaning this week: Kesses, Next week: Andersons / / / Nursery: Vikki

 ‘Let the thoughts of a crucified Christ be never out of your mind. Let them be meat and drink unto you. Let them be your sweetness and consolation, your honey and your desire, your reading and your meditation, your life, death and resurrection.’ -- Thomas Brooks, England – 1608-1680

 ‘Ah, Believer, it is only Heaven that is above all winds, storms and tempests; God did not cast man out of paradise, that he might find another paradise in this world. The world and you must part, or Christ and you will never meet. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”’ -- Brooks


Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

There are so many things to do this time of year, that we get caught up in them, and we seldom take the time to stop and think what this time means. It is this time of the year when the whole world is forced to think about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Think about the words in the passage above. God with us! The infinite Jehovah God with us. No wonder the angels burst into song and sang “Glory to Godin the highest.”This was worthy of a new star in the Heavens. This was worthy of preserving on record for us to read today. This was worthy of the martyr’s death. The Apostle Paul said, “This is worthy of all acceptation.”This is the great mystery of the church, that “God was manifest in the flesh, and dwelt among us.”He, who was born in Bethlehem, is God, and He is “God with us.”Have you stopped to think why the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world? The Lord Jesus Christ did not come into the world to have pity on man, but He came into the world to redeem sinners. Christ came to redeem us by the offering of Himself on the cross, suffering the wrath of God for our sins as our Substitute. He did not come to prescribe a remedy which we must perform ourselves, but He came to provide the way of salvation to His people. The Saviour of the world came not only to provide salvation, but He is that salvation. “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ… (Who) loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.”

We must never think that there is any spiritual value or even any spiritual meaning in keeping Christmas-day, or that we will stand any more in the favor of God by doing it. We know that our Saviour was not born on what is known as Christmas-day. Without a doubt, the observance of Christmas as the day on which Christ was born is of pagan origin. Many peoples’ religion requires that they keep this day holy, but no true believer should consider it as some sort of holy, sacred day.

However, there are times when I wish there were more Christmas-days in the year. This seems to be one of the days in the year when men everywhere join together in a moment of peace, and we could sure use more of that. We know for sure that there is enough work to do every other day, and a little rest now then would not hurt us. Christmas is really a good time for us, a time of rest for us, and a time which enables us to gather around as a family and to visit with our friends once again.

Milton Howard

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

My friends, if you will carefully consider it, this is the most extraordinary fact ever declared in human language. God became a man and “took upon him the likeness of sinful flesh.” The Ancient of Days became an infant of days. The Son of the Most-High God became a man of sorrows. He made the world; but as a man, “he had no place to lay his head.” He who made the rivers asked a woman to give him a drink of water. He who cast out devils was tempted of the devil, and the author of life died and lay in a tomb.

The sun that hid from Him its face

By His own hand was hung in space;

The sky which darkened o’er His head

By Him above the world was spread;

The spear that shed His precious blood

Was tempered in the fires of God;

The grave in which His form was laid

Was hewn in rocks His hand had made.”

-- Henry Mahan

Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street Rocky Mount, Virginia

December 29th. 2019

9:30 am ……………………….……………………………..……….…………... The Love of God in Us – 1 John 4:11_21

10:00 am ……………………….……………………………….…….… The Great Lord, Saviour & Preacher – Luke 8:1-3

Wednesday: 7:00 pm …………………………………………………………… Leaving Egypt (Lord’s Table) – Exodus 12

Birthdays: December: 29th – Ron Fannin, 30th – Polly Peters, 31st – Kathryn Polk

Cleaning: Andersons, Next Week: Hudsons / / / Nursery: Jill / Karen

Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.”– Hebrews 12:2

  1. True faith is looking unto the Lord Jesus and not to my faith! It is not when, where, or how, but WHOM!

  2. True faith is looking to the Lord Jesus and not to my works. Their presence nor absence is not my righteousness. He is my righteousness.

  3. True faith is looking unto the Lord Jesus and not to my trials. As long as Peter looked to Christ, he walked! When he looked to the wind and waves; he sank!

  4. True faith is looking to the Lord Jesus and not to the means of grace. We must not confuse the doctrines of grace and the means of grace with grace itself . . . HIMSELF! Reading the Bible, prayer, worship, offerings, study and orthodoxy, baptism and good works; are all means of grace and growth – but only looking to Christ as our all in all keeps them from becoming filthy rags. - unknown

PREACHING – by David Eddmenson

Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth, And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight. – Acts 9:11-12

There is only one means that our God uses to save elect sinners. PREACHING! If God is going to save a sinner, He is going to cross their path with a preacher. That is exactly how the Lord God saved the apostle Paul. There is no doubt that God caused a great light from heaven to blind Saul and knock him in the dirt. There is no argument that the Lord confronted Saul with his sin and rebellion. (“Saul, Saul, why persecuteth thou me?” Verse 4) There is no denying that the Lord revealed some truth to the rebellious sinner as to who he was, and who Christ was. (“I am Jesus whom thou persecuteth.” Verse 5) However, in order to receive his sight, the Lord sent Saul of Tarsus to Damascus to wait on His preacher. By the Lord’s sovereign will and purpose He directs the path of both the sinner and His servant.

When He sent Ananias to preach to Paul, He told Ananias the name of the street where he would find him. (“A street called Straight.”) He knew the house in which Paul would be staying. (“In the house of Judas.”) He knew the name of the sinner and where he was from. (“Saul of Tarsus.”) He knew what the sinner would be doing when the preacher arrived. (“Behold, He prayeth.”) He had already prepared the man to receive the Word, and the preacher to expound it. (“And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him.”) The Lord already knew what He would do for the chosen sinner. (“That he might receive his sight.”) Child of God, you can be assured that “the Lord knoweth them that are His.” (2 Timothy 2:19) May God enable us to preach the gospel with confidence, boldness, and great assurance, for He certainly knows what He is doing, and how to do it. In Christ, the salvation of the sinner has been “predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will.”-- Ephesians 1:11

They Repented Not To Give Him Glory -- “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give Him glory.” – Revelation 16:9

All things were created by God for His glory. “The heavens declare His glory”, and all created things in the earth, the trees clap their hands, the birds sing . . .all things declare God’s glory as they were made to do. . . . All but man that is! Man rejects God’s glory. Man attributes the glory of God’s creation to evolution and the glory of God’s salvation to man. Rather than glorify God’s choice of men, man glorifies his choice of God. Rather than glorify God’s mercy to unworthy sinners, man glorifies himself for letting God into his life. Rather than glorify God’s Son for making peace by the blood of His cross, man glorifies himself in (supposedly) making his peace with God. Rather than glorify God’s sovereign Spirit and power which quickens, gives repentance, faith and fruit; man glorifies his supposed free-will and works. And so God created a Hell to put these vain glorious creatures in. And even though they will clearly see God’s holiness and power, even then, while enduring His wrath against them, His fiery indignation against their rebellion, they still will not repent to give Him glory! In the words of Thomas Adams: “They curse Him for their pains and sores, but repent not of their deeds. They weep not for the cause of their sufferings, but for the loss of their comforts. I believe it will be found that the repentance of most men is not so much the sorrow for sin as sin, or real hatred of it, as sullen sorrow that they are not allowed to continue to sin.” O’ may God be pleased to reveal unto us His glory. May He grant us true repentance and faith. 

Central Grace Church